@Ihateualll The same spendin time with her nd maybe makin some memories nd stuff? idk Helpin her with dinner nd others?Lol srly idk but do check up on her once in a while but not tht often
Thx for the follow back nd daym u didnt text on pub :( Cya XD
What if when you die your body shuts down but your still fully aware of what's happening to your body.....
Like you'll be burried and be sitting in a coffin untill someone or something causes you to be unburied or you just decompose....or you could be cremated and stuck in a tiny urn for ever! 😱😱😰😩😭
@itsnix the fuck
@inkman450 😂 idk
@itsnix my worst fear about death is your just gone. It’s like when your sleeping. You don’t see or hear or remember anything. It terrifies me to think about this but I hate the idea of not knowing whether or not I’m just going to be gone looking into darkness forever...well that’s my opinion but yeah
@itsnix going deep I see :joy:
@heyitszoey it's best not to worry about it
"when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not" - Epicurus -
@heyitszoey well IG if that is what happens then you won't know it happened when it does 😓. I personally think we go somewhere, I don't think we know everything about it or that a certain religion is completely correct but I do think our consciousness goes somewhere else we can't even imagine.
@itsnix yeah but I hate that no one knows and then my mind wonders into a darker place
Conciousness is a product of the brain so that's pretty unlikely
When the brain dies presumably concious awareness ceases aswell
@tom-sawyer so your basically unaware of anything and ish gone?
@heyitszoey Yo, have you ever meditated? Start away right now, you will know more things
@kushal-neupane lol 😂 I would but I have no patience. 😅
@heyitszoey no one knows for sure tbh
@tom-sawyer yep
@itsnix i neva imagine the way i will die 😂
@heyitszoey haha alright, but meditation is not about patience, its about silence. Just staying silent :)
@tom-sawyer a buddha knows :)
@kushal-neupane what?