Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • @sir-devil awfully long break!

  • @sir-devil im about to do diarrhea but i cant jump in the shower after because the bathroom with the shower is locked because the maintenance people were here to fix my dishwasher

  • @logan-gibeault Okay....That was oddly specific and I do think that I won't be able to help you much there.

  • @logan-gibeault btw if you are about have diarrhea, why are you trying to jump into the shower.

  • Hello, guys! I am online,...again.

  • I dont know why, i really wanna have a lover but if there's someone around i just dont feel like to have one. Not that because they're not suitable with what i expected, but i think sometimes i dont want anyone to pay any attention to me (i always think i can do anything by myself so i dont need someone to help me). I've been feeling this for like a year ago, and i must say i feel pretty lonely most of the time. What should i do omg please help me

  • @greentealover There's no way other than interacting more with others. From what you have described, it seems to me that you are desperate for love while being introverted. You don't need to grab other's attention. Just start by talking to more people. Maybe you have a good friend. Hang around with him more. Interact with others. It might take some time and may seem useless but I assure that it would work.

    Not everything in life can be achieved alone. Sometimes you would need the help of others. Hence, it's okay to be introverted but not asocial (I'm not telling that you are asocial, just making a point).

    If the things, I said are wrong and/or useless to you, it might be because I don't know much about you. Hence, if it's wrong, can you tell more about yourself and specify where I was wrong?

  • @sir-devil well i dont think i'm too introvert, i mean i can easily get along with people if the other person is fun, im just not too expressive. I like to listen to someone's story rather than telling my story to others and usually i'm the one who listen more to what others say which makes a lot of people telling their secrets to me. I'm a damn good listener they say.

    you know sometimes i wanna be seen 'smart, independent, superior' that i think it might be the reason guys are afraid to ask me for a date. and i'd rather to talk more about my passion, academics, and stuff rather than talk about feelings or personal stuff.

    i just realize that some of what you said is true, thanks for letting me know. that really helps

  • @sir-devil hello sir devil I want to ask you something about a relationship, do you think it's okay to give your boyfriend or girlfriend that cheated on you?

  • @ttls Pardon? What do you mean by "give"? Give what?!

  • @sir-devil oh sorry I forgot to add give a chance

  • @ttls Not really. I wouldn't really recommend it. While they cheated on you, they knew that they were doing wrong to you and also that you would be hurt but they did it anyway. They did it while fully knowing that you would be hurt.

    and due to them cheating on you, it is fair to assume that they are only after sex. If not, they would have valued your relationship more or at least, have the decency to break up and cut ties, before hooking up with another person.

    And finally, Since they had already cheated on you before, there's no assurance that they would not do it again in the future.

    So, if you want to give them a chance, consider these things and make a decision.
    In other words, you can give them a chance, if you completely trust them and the reason they gave you for cheating on you,

  • @greentealover i know the feeling...and its normal..u just dont wanna be in a relationship with wrong person,u just dont want to have regrets..and until that one particular person moves mountains to be with you,u dont want them.
    you want to be valued and its not just love u seek its more than that...u want to own someone ,any one giving you anything less than that makes u bored or least intrested and distrustful in them as the time goes by....i know u didnt ask the question to me..i just thought ill reply because i had felt the same way once...ignore if my words doesnt resonate with you..have a good day:)

  • @khaleezi91 said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    want to own someone

    But that means slavery, and slavery's illegal, madam.

  • @sir-devil nope thats not slavery...thats a deeper form of love...where the concept of individualism and personal space doesnt exist.and its more ..soul level....if u havent experienced it u wouldnt understand..and there is no way i can make u understand..sorry:)

  • @khaleezi91
    It was a joke.

  • @sir-devil eeeeehahahahaaaaahahaha and this is me laughing..:P

  • @sir-devil that's true you have to really trust them to give them a chance again thank you for your advice :)

  • @khaleezi91 no way. I reflect on your words and it's so damn true. Thanks for your reply, this is very relatable with what i'm feeling right now... Anyway you said you felt the same way once, how did you overcome it?

  • @greentealover i met someone who is crazy about me...its hard to believe..but yeah i found love too..*blush *blush...and it just happened inspite of all my futile attempts to break it off...and the constant emotional tests i put him through..he is still standing like a deep rooted tree ...and im madly in love with him..and it scares me...but he just makes everythng alright and treats me like a baby...and yet gives me all the space and respect i need to act like the queen i think i am:P..hehe..when you find ur guy you will just know it..becoz no matter how much u try to push that person away or hurt him..he is going to stand with you you and love you like nothing u have ever felt before...:)
