• Do y’all believe in ghosts? 👻:

    Do you wanna hear a story? It happened around a year ago, before my graduation day. One of my co-workers when i was in internship program had to hospitalize due to her condition. Meanwhile, in the other side of world, i just passed all of exam and i was so exhausted, so i fell a sleep. Then my previous boss told her about my "second sight" like i can see someone future and past, i can detect either that person liar or not, my dreams somehow a sign of an answer or something happen in the future also sign of death for people and i even saw greamweaper before someone death's (it works in real life). At that time, i had such a beautiful dream (this is weird since i never had beautiful dreams) then that creatures showed up, chocked my neck and said "if you ever dare to come to that hospital and you try to communicate with me or may be you try to kick me out, you will find your own grave". What i did in that time was just opening my eyes and saw 4 ghosts. I asked my boss several questions and her answered shortly she told everything about me to my co-workers. Since that time, i warned all of my fellas, my colleges and my parent even my family to behave about telling this "weird gift" to people.
    rn when i wrote this, a black dress lady is starring at me and smiling 😰😰😰😰😰

  • @spaceboy hella, i want my normal eyes 😭

  • @spaceboy it is real in my eyes even when i pray to make those stuff out from my eyes. 😂
    Will try your advice 👍 thanks dude.

  • i dont believe in ghosts. I have seen many dead bodies (after a disaster), but never have i ever seen a ghost in real life.

  • @heyitszoey i believe in ghost's an the like ...
    I got no proof on it, but I do think that everything in this life is connected to a cycle...
    and as we procreate more there is not enough 'shells' for the previous energies to move into. So i think this leaves some at a loss and nowhere to go .... ie : we get crazt shiz like spirits an poltergeists do what they do ... and scare the bejesus outta peeps :)

  • Yes, have seen one. Heard and feel it many times.
    Its fucking scary when someone whispering your name in your ears while you were sleeping, alone in the house. Lol

  • @heyitszoey said in Do y’all believe in ghosts? 👻:

    I personally do because I hear shit knocking over and people walking round late in night when I know everyone is asleep but that’s just me so 🤷‍♀️


    I dont😗😗

  • Yes I believe in ghosts, but not like they're depicted in horror/paranormal films.
    I think it's more like the "veil" so to speak between the physical and spiritual world is kind of thin, so sometimes you catch glimpses through it. I believe the souls of deceased family members can visit us sometimes, but I don't believe in them ever hurting anyone.

  • @justchatamy said in Do y’all believe in ghosts? 👻:

    Yes I believe in ghosts, but not like they're depicted in horror/paranormal films.
    I think it's more like the "veil" so to speak between the physical and spiritual world is kind of thin, so sometimes you catch glimpses through it. I believe the souls of deceased family members can visit us sometimes, but I don't believe in them ever hurting anyone.


  • does any one of you guys watch supernaural :ghost: