• @เธช god is single--do u agree with this ?

  • @sup why wrong?

  • @vahid-0
    In your religion, it might be that way. A single god for all of you.
    But in mine, we have thousands of them.

    PS - I know nothing about gods...i was just correcting you.

  • @sup ur gods r statute s?

  • @vahid-0 They are not limited to statues or religious places...they lie in all of us.

  • @sup man when there r lots of gods which one is the best?

  • @vahid-0
    For an atheist none of them.
    For a theist every one of them.
    Debate ends here....cos I have very little knowledge abt gods.

  • @vahid-0 the almighty THOR
    alt text

  • @shutup what's ur religion?may i know that

  • @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @damncuteguy dude pls say in one simple sentence that why you dont believe in god?

    Bro, you're not even reading what I wrote. If you had read it, you wouldn't have asked this question to me.
    P.S. I wouldn't reiterate my answer again and again.
    P.P.S. If you read it now, you can discuss this to me or if you still don't read it, I will say you bye
    P.P.P.S. You don't have even a premise to prove it's existence.
    P.P.P.P.S. If you want to believe in God, you can do (because it's your personal choice).

  • @vahid-0 not necessarily; it might have taken a team to create our existence; just like it took team to create sims.

  • @shutup said in [What is you imagination about god?](/post/128343):
    > the almighty THOR

    alt text

  • Music Lovers

    just commenting so I can see all future replies on here because I like watching @thestrangest rip people apart :)

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    P.S. Sorry i had linked the wrong video to my last post, i had 30s to finish it before entering my school where electronics are not allowed

    I edited the post and put the r8 vid

    @pinkfloyd said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest i really dont know how you re not sure yet and you are strongly convinced

    Uhm dude, 100% of the likely solutions don't involve god, that's why i am highly convinced the 1st cellular life wasn't created by your invisible sky daddy

    maybe you should wait till you be sure then come argue with people

    You're the one that's claiming to have ALL the answers with ZERO proof

    but ok i ll go to the end with you

    I don't want you to, you're unpleasant to debate with like most theists and I'm only doing this till stopping and ignoring you would be evidently justified

    if this was true did the scientists create a single cellular creature tipical and just like the one made million of years ago?

    Uhm no, why would they need to? Look these questions don't actually help your case but yeah they have:


    the video something like" RNA and iron created the bases for a single cellular living creature"

    Sorry i think i linked the wrong video, and don't know what you're talking about.


    "To fully understand the processes occurring in present-day living cells, we need to consider how they arose in evolution. The most fundamental of all such problems is theย expressionย of hereditary information, which today requires extraordinarilyย complexย machinery and proceeds fromย DNAย toย proteinย through anย RNAย intermediate. How did this machinery arise? One view is that anย RNA worldย existed on Earth before modern cells arose (Figure 6-91). According to this hypothesis, RNA stored both genetic information and catalyzed the chemical reactions in primitive cells ..."

    Source : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26876/

    if that means they "created" it fully functional why didnt they "create" another creatures?

    Uhm because that took millions of years of evolution in nature and we don't know how to do that yet. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING AT, at this point these questions have nothing to do with the existence

    why didnt they make a dog maybe if they discovered the secret of life

    because making single cellular life is easy but multicellular life took millions of years of evolution in nature and we don't know how to do that yet

    and if they didnt know how to make a single cellular creature then this theory is just wrong because

    The theory of evolution?

    Oh fuck off, what does any of this have to do with the theory of evolution?

    as they failed redoing what was done m of years ago in nature in coincidence and without any kind of intervation

    Yeah there are many things that happen like that, we knew that diamonds get formed by being under pressure underground a long time before we were able to make diamonds ourselves, does that mean that we were wrong about how diamonds are made until we made some ourselves? Fuck outta here with your non-sequitur fallacies

    yet they tried doing it again in a fully functioning laboratory and they failed

    Yeah laboratories can't create stars either, does that mean we're wrong about how stars were formed? What's this STUPID argument

    and does that mean nature still produce single mullecular life till this day from the interacting of minerals in the ocean?

    When the fuck did i say the interaction of minerals in the ocean made the 1st single cellular life? Are you even reading or watching anything I'm sending? No because If you have been then you would have mentioned how i posted a completely irrelevant video a second ago

    You know earth right now is COMPLETELY different from how it was before, no multicellular life could have survived on earth when the 1st single cellular life was created for example, and since those are the conditions that caused the 1st single cellular life to exist then it's unlikely another single cellular life would get formed under our circumstances

    and i would like to talk about another thing please

    Dude you're annoying af, you're just asking questions for the sake of asking questions and you really aren't trying to understanding anything

    do you believe in the presence of a soul?

    OF COURSE NOT, in what world would believe someone like me believe in souls

  • @willow He surely does rip peepole apart.... :'D

  • @willow said in What is you imagination about god?:

    *just commenting so I can see all future replies on here because I like watching @thestrangest rip people apart


  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @Willow correct me if I'm wrong but I'm the only one who's actually debating against every theist at the same time? ยฏ_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ I'm a one man army

    One man army

  • @thestrangest You have our support but the thing is....we don't have as much knowledge as you do, so we stay shut most of the times.

  • @sup said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest You have our support but the thing is....we don't have as much knowledge googling skills as you do, so we stay shut most of the times.


  • @thestrangest
    Googling skills...okay!
    But the way you put it.... I lack that skill honestly.