• @littlewoozie there i downvoted one of your comments too. ๐Ÿ˜›

  • -deleted-

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @littlewoozie said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    And I know you about to fucking write another offensive insult for me.

    Oh wow, I guess i missed that part. Here's the insult : you're uncultured on memes(the "your mom gay" meme in this case) and you should be ashamed of yourself

  • You return to non existence just like before you were born

  • @thestrangest
    No Iโ€™m 16 blind rat.

  • @littlewoozie said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    No Iโ€™m 16 blind rat.

    Act like it dumbass

  • @รฆnema said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    You return to non existence just like before you were born

    Thank you the office

  • @layla i'm not a follower of religion, but I do think we will go on...
    I feel the soul is a recyclable entity that passes from one to another with each death and birth.
    My thought's here come partly from the stories you hear about teeny young children referring to themselves as people that have passed long ago.... expressing the life the person once had, in some cases the reasons and methods of their demise, natural or otherwise.

  • Nothingness, no awareness, no consciousness.

  • I personally think we see our life from the perspective of those we interacted with and feel their emotions. We end up somewhere to revitalize and then we can choose to reincarnate and keep learning and growing in our souls.

  • @mr-peanut This is Buddhist dogma. As science has advanced, all sacred writing myths have been exploded one by one.

  • We see our life through the eyes of who we interacted with. We go somewhere to prepare based on what we experienced and then we reincarnate to have our souls grow more and to rectify mistakes made, better known as karma.

  • @layla Don't listen to those fools, you either go hell or heaven my dear.

  • I heard it said that the Bible says that "the dead are conscience of nothing." Dust to Dust and all that just means you don't exist anymore. You don't go anywhere. You are simply dead! as in your time is done!

    Others talk about a resurrection of the dead. So, I guess you get a new body and start again. I think revelation said something about 144 thousand going to heaven and then the rest of us just end up here on the earth again.

    Not sure why or how it all works, but someone told me that it has something to do with what the Bible said or the theme of the bibles message being about some kingdom that will replace what we have now.

    I'm sure there are others that know a lot more about it than I do.

  • @layla said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    According to your religion, what do you believe will happen?
    I don't believe in God, and I think literally nothing will happen after we die. Our bodies will just stop working and we'll slowly rot away.
    I know some people believe that your soul never dies and it goes somewhere, and some people believe that we go up to either Heaven or Hell, and some people believe we reincarnate into something else, so I want to know what you think?

    Layla girl never be here again till now :( ๐Ÿ˜ž

  • @LittleWOozie ''what's a queen without a king, historically speaking, more powerful'' You have a sexist man-hating quote on your description and you preach about purity, get the f out of here you sexist dyke, always the skinny crack head looking girls who have no ass or tits that hate on men, how about you grow a pair mhm ?

  • Lol..Nothing really. Your spirit stops existing and your body is fertiliser/wormfood. Basically...you return to the big empty :)