If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists)

  • @kaneki-kun I don't hate god, I'm just saying he doesn't exist. Because the country I live in (Muslim country), I am an ex-Muslim. If I told someone that I became atheist, there is a greater chance that I won't be alive after that. Like why??? It's my life my belief. That's what religion makes people. And I favor evidence. Which there isn't any of god.

  • @mcurie said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @kaneki-kun I don't hate god, I'm just saying he doesn't exist. Because the country I live in (Muslim country), I am an ex-Muslim. If I told someone that I became atheist, there is a greater chance that I won't be alive after that. Like why??? It's my life my belief. That's what religion makes people. And I favor evidence. Which there isn't any of god.

    Okay. And yeah, why'd you lose your life because of what you believe you're asking! Imagine, a day where you're in your right senses like rn and you just start to call your mom names (hore, btch, kont, sl*t and all those ugly stuffs people insult themselves with) what do you think will be your dad's reaction?? Your sibling's(s') ?? And people around you, how do you think they'll react to that??

    Pps: Mind you, im not insulting your mother and this just an example🙏

  • @kaneki-kun I am not insulting god, as you can see (in this comment section), I have never insulted god. And in real life too, but if someone knew here that I became an atheist, there is a rule in islam and someone who leaves islam shall be killed.So, there is no real mistake of mine.

  • @MCurie i believe in reality not in virtuality.Theists consider god as superior existence. They consider him as a superior existence so that he's the root cause of all things. But who made our homes, clothes, etc? Ofcourse we made them then how can you prove his existence. When you can't prove his existence then how can you prove his creator's existence.

  • @mcurie like I said it's just an example🤦😴, and it was supposed to help you understand something. And that is, saying "God doesn't exist" is actually a sacrilege (I advise you look up the meaning, in you don't understand it) and I'm pretty sure it's the reason why Muslim kill for that. But I don't know of any Surat that says to kill anyone that refuses or rejects Islam.
    And yeah, if you don't know it, it's also an insult tho it been indirect, in other words you're saying "God is a Liar" 'cause in your opinion/believes he doesn't exist. That's what you believe right?? That, God doesn't exist!?

  • @damncuteguy LMAO, so you're what? Just living life without the belief of any supremacy than mankind??

  • @Kaneki-kun ,
    We have discovered in 20th century that the universe is actually ruled at the bottom level by quantum mechanics. No cause of particles and events exists. For an example, there is no such previous cause of an event ‘radioactive decay of a uranium atom’. Quantum particles can pop out of nothing and can disappear in nothing. It is the measurable effect through Lamb shift and Casimir effect. Electrons, protons and neutrons can appear, disappear and reappear in different places and supposed empty space. Even thou, an electron can travel in all possible paths between two points.

  • @kaneki-kun That's the whole point, humans created god and now they are telling other humans that if you say "God doesn't exist" that is his insult. If I tell you that there is a unicorn that has created everything and then I tell you to obey what the unicorn says, and then if you say something against the unicorn I kill you.
    And what you asked DamnCuteGuy about living life without any belief of any supremacy. I'm living that way too. It's what I call "freedom", there is no book to tell me what to do, I do what I want to do. And I believe in Science. We don't know how the universe came into being, we know what happened after the big bang, but we don't know what happened before the big bang. That doesn't mean god did it, it means "we don't know".
    And we are advancing day by day, and we are learning. All the advancements in our civilization became possible by science, religion didn't teach us anything (scientific). We figured it out.

  • @damncuteguy to you what's the difference between a belief and what you know??

  • ihy, but tell me about Jesus @MCurie . Tell me what you know and what you believe about him.

  • @Kaneki-kun First law of energy states nobody can create or destroy energy or matter. Scientists have discovered that our body has 13 billion year ago matter. You can find that matter in our planets, galaxies, plants etc as well.

  • @kaneki-kun I don't know much about Jesus. I just believe that virgins can't give birth. Nothing special about him.

  • @mcurie .
    Very very very old question.
    how did u combine both roles together? To be creator and to be created at the same time? If you made it like this, you have to say now, who created god? So who created the creator of god? So who created the creator of creator of god??and so on which is not make sense, it should have start point, someone or something who started these.
    If you created a something like a toy, it have the rules that you provided to it, but ofcourse you are not following these rules like for example you don't need battery to live.

    Same, god created roles for universe, he is not subjected to these roles.
    Now your turn to be answered, hitler for example killed millions of people, then simply he dead, how millions-1 will get revenge?

  • I believe that it doesn't matter where we came from or where we're going. We can't find out where we came from until we find out where we're going so what does it matter?

  • @mcurie @kaneki-kun who said that if someone left islam he have to be killed simply? Who told you that its like that? You know what is the big issue in most of the people, specially who are atheist, they easily are not reading, they just want to get ready prepared information for someone, and once they get it, they never try to assure of it's correctness.

  • @End_the_lizard we have to know every thing about ourselves, about the life around us, to know why we have been created, and to know our way and where we r going, these life is not created for nothing, we are not animals, lives only for eating drinking and have relations then die with nothing.
    You have been created for something, so you have to know your creator, to know why did he create you, ryt??? Isn't it better than someone tells you that you are a monky converted to human for no reason and by luck?

  • @albarselan That's the purpose of my question, I'm saying that if there is a god, then there must be some way he was created. Which creates an infinite loop, (creator, creator1, creator2, creator3.....). The simplest answer would be that there is no god, which completely makes sense.

  • @albarselan I'm not sure if it is an Islamic rule or not, but people here, who are Muslims, will torture you... a lot.

  • @mcurie said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @albarselan That's the purpose of my question, I'm saying that if there is a god, then there must be some way he was created. Which creates an infinite loop, (creator, creator1, creator2, creator3.....). The simplest answer would be that there is no god, which completely makes sense.

    😂😂😂😂😂 @MCurie you're very funny. And I think I've said this "before God, there was nothing" God is not having a past and that's what you don't want to understand/accept or whatever is the thing you don't want to. On top of that, Idk if you know what "Devine" means oor if you're even aware of such a word😴. Like I @albArselan said you guys don't read, 'cause if you'd read and made a bit of googling I'm sure you'll not raise some of the arguments you raised.

    And BTW, have you ever tried to have a talk with or look for one of your likes that now believes there's a God from who everything started? And find out why he or she now thinks and believes so??

  • @albarselan Soz man, but it's curie that said so, I didn't say it😴