If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists)

  • @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @alucard Are you retarded, Alucard uses black magic. Did you forget episode 3 when alexander sealed it with with his holy papers.

    Oh heyyy little kid. Holy doesn't mean magic but look here ... Issa joke, almost everything in Hellsing is magic in some extension of the word (the ghouls aren't created with anything supernatural, they just have chips implanted in them or something)

    There are many superb things in hellsing but not magic as far as i remember

  • @alucard Alexander: "I purified this place, so filthy creatures can't use their black magic"
    straight from episode 3
    Key terms: Black Magic.

  • @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @alucard Alexander: "I purified this place, so filthy creatures can't use their black magic"
    straight from episode 3
    Key terms: Black Magic.

    Guess i was wrong. Sorry m8

  • Satan create god and you want to know who create satan then just ask your mom

  • @mcurie well one of my ideas of the universe is that it continually repeats it self in infinity or time is infinite, but based off of random continuous events, one after another. So since it would go on infinitely, then theoretically anything and everything would exist and or could happen. Things out side of our perception. In the same way an ant doesnā€™t understand what the idea of what a car is. An infinite amount of ideas things and places we could hope to comprehend. Mabye such a thing that exists but canā€™t because the idea of existing doesnā€™t work with this thing or it does exist but it doesnā€™t because it does.
    How about that.

  • Tough one. There is so much we don't know. Universe is 13.7 billion years old. Before the Big Bang the entire universe was condensed into a size no bigger than the period at the end of a sentence.
    I think it comes down to faith. You either believe or you don't.
    Einstein died trying to prove the existence of God cause' he saw signs that caused him to believe that a higher intelligence was at work.

  • @mcurie If someone needs a creator He is not a god! I think we call Him God for a reason.. He's not created!

  • @mcurie If you are talking about THE God, then no one. How should one respond to the old schoolboy retort, ā€œIf everything needs a cause, who caused God?ā€

    First, philosophers and theologians do not maintain that whatever exists needs a cause. Instead, they propose that certain things need causes, such as things that have a beginning or things that donā€™t have to exist.

    If something came into existence at a certain point in timeā€”that is, if it had a beginningā€”then there needs to be a cause, an explanation, for why it came to be. But if something exists outside of timeā€”like Godā€”then it does not need an explanation for its beginning, because it does not have one.

    In the same way, if something doesnā€™t have to exist, then we need an explanation for why it does exist. But if something does have to existā€”if it is a necessary being, like Godā€”then it does not need a further explanation.

    The things we perceive in the universe, including space and time themselves, appear to have had a beginning, and so they need a causeā€”a reason why they began in the first place.

    In the same way, each particular bit of matter in the universe doesnā€™t seem to be necessary. Each could not exist. Therefore, we need an explanation for why each does exist.

    Believing philosophers and theologians thus propose God as the ultimate explanation for these things. But since he is a necessary being that exists outside of time, he needs no further explanation.

    Indeed, the question ā€œWho created God?ā€ is nonsensical, because it amounts to asking ā€œWho created an uncreated being?ā€

    He was always there, always has been, and always will be. He needs no explanation. He is the creater, he never had to be created.

  • @mcurie I'd love to answer your question, but unfortunately I don't know what you mean by God? What is your definition?

  • Simple: But first, let's put you in God's shoes. Let's say you are a videogame developer, and you create a game. Let's say the people can breathe underwater and there is no gravity. Now, are you subject to those laws? Can you breath underwater or float around? Of course not, because the laws of the video game do not apply to you because YOU CREATED those laws. Now, let's go back to God. God does not have a creator, because he made time. Time has a beginning and an end, because God created time, he is not subject to it. Therefore, he was not "begun", meaning he doesn't have a creator. Hope that made since, I understand that it can be a bit confusing or weird to think about!

  • @mcurie It's simple... Bandai Namco started everything 0_1541677886895_f68823e8-d076-4598-919d-b62a4566a680-image.png