• @rendezvous Dearest person , I am just being too firm on my idea and I'll keep doing that coz i have the right to šŸ˜Š

  • @cutie-cat Yes you've every right to do that. But consider this: There is a slight possibility (just as 0.00000000001 or even smaller) that you might be wrong. What is the harm in just viewing the other side? And secondly, what is in majority, isn't always right. It's always beneficial to just consider the minority view without cursing.

  • Music Lovers

    @rendezvous I have seen the other side but i still don't think that cyber bullying and trolling is right . That's all .

  • @willoww well said. I've always thought of this as a peaceful way of everyone expressing there frustrations with what's been going on, in one unified effort.

  • @rendezvous Its cool lol. Better than that dude in the annonymous forum. Apparently Id make a great dictator. ( @Lucifer_ can you find the pic Samnas made on insta and show da peeps? :p)
    Otherwise, I think that there are multiple ideas going here. We just need good ways to show what we were thinking. Its a start. A great one in my opinion.
    But lets keep it chill, like you said lol.
