If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

  • If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

  • Depressed movie

  • @sarah A comedy movie

  • mix of drama and comedy cos thats basically my life XD

  • The people responses here will tell the type of people they are 😂

  • Gamers

    i would make a romantic-comedy-sci fi-action film, like the ones u watch and say "man the film makers are trying too hard" :p

  • @sarah It would be a drama pretty much, with comedy elements. Alot of comedy elements.

  • Remember tha movie tht hurt everyone's brain trying to figure out whose killing her while she'd just keep dying only to wake up on the same day? Thts me wht a whole Lotta action n comedy behind it

  • @sarah said in If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?:

    If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

    If it's a reality fact checked one, it will most definitely be a hardcore drama, with one or two jokes around, as in some dram with Robin Williams, you know, as he was always laughing AND crying at the same time.
    Let me see then: my biological family SOLD me to get married not only without telling me, BUT eventhough I had openly REFUSED this. And, since I kept on refusing, they sent me to a psychioatric "Hospital", to "convince me" that they had not sold me, that I had "imagined it all". Thus, I crossed the fucking Atlantic Ocean, and in Switzerland I found yet AGAIN those whom had bought me in OTHER continent. Yeah, the SAME whom, as far as my biological family was concerned, NEVER even existed....
    Si I denounced them legally, and they arranged for me to be sent to jail without any trial.
    So FAR, this little trick costed ME, directly, 20 YEARS. That's right: twenty years.
    And the complete and utter deprivation of ALL human contact for the SAME period of time. Plus three bones broken, five ligaments cut off permanently, and chronic pains. Plus an addiction to morphine. Three strokes, or around those figures.
    Seven years, and counting, with wheelchair and arm support for walking.
    Not to forget, my woman died in 2008. So all in ALL we shared only ONE weekend together. Three days, and two nights. In eight YEARS.
    And, after over eleven years of incsarceration without ANY trial whatsoever, I still have NOT been charged officially.
    So, yeah, I'd say it's a pretty straight forward DRAMA. though seen "from outside" it may look funny.

  • Ah, did I forget to clarify this little piece of info?
    While incarcerated I was beaten up, and sionce I thought that those close to me were in danger, I took the beating without "answering back physically"
    It turned out that those whom ghad ORDERED the beatings are exactly those whom I thought were in danger....that should do, for the black comedy part.

  • My life is total BOLLYWOOD-TYPES
    Full drama, action, comedy & romance....
