You have some problems? Just whisper in my ear and I shall help...

  • @dawn211 Hello stranger!
    Suddenly becoming distant may mean that your husband is going trough something difficult. He needs support right now. It's your chance to re-establish (pardon my words) connection between two of you. Hate to ruin it, but it could also be that your husband is cheating on you.
    Talking about cheating, it depends. Every human being does not want to be lonely. Seeking attention is natural, so is writing to other men, but only if it doesn't include intercourse with other men. In my suggestion, you should try to get closer to your husband first, no matter what it takes.

  • Friendly notification to all who come here: contact me in Gmail. I refresh my inbox daily and if I get a message, I'll take maximum 3 days to reply. Have a nice day ya'll!

  • My gmail: [email protected]

  • To everyone who comes here: I may not tell the thing I want to tell, but these lines will.

    We once made a mistake.
    We once had regrets.
    We once doubted ourselves.
    We will die ONCE.
    We live only ONCE.
    Once you will have reached the bottom of yours.
    Once you will have reached the peak of yours.
    Once you came here, you understood something.
    Once you understood nothing.
    Now you understand everything.
    Rise and shine, live your best.
