2017: I am going to post whatever the hell I want.

  • @willoww I'm sorry for you life that your have being, I wish and hope you to never give in this life cause there are some people who is likely that same with you or worse but still keep on move like you, you such never let others step on you and just please be yourself who you wanted to be and don't give care about others people think cause it's will hurt you sometimes, will you try to please people and not yourself it can sometimes it hurt that not one understand you, Thanks for telling us that we such love someone who truly care for us and cherished the moment before it's too late 😊😊😊 and I wish you to not have to suffer anymore and life you live like you oh list wanted to be and you are a very good person cause you don't give up your child even you know it will be very hard to take care of it and you are still 14 year old while you have it, Thanks for never give up yourself and that child 😊😊😊 it make me glad that still have people like you who is a very good person, it's good that you don't abort your child even though it will be very hard and please keep on move, never stop, never hesitate for that moment will change you life 😊😊😊 please and I really hope that God will give you a chance to be happy cause everyone deserves happiness in life and never again feels suffer or pain and Merry Christmas too and Happy New Year Eve to and you are a very brave person to share and tell everyone you story @Willoww

  • With your earlier posts that i have seen... i never thought u would have had witnessed such a rough life!πŸ˜”.. but u came out even more strong each time!! Salute to you!!😊🀘

  • @blooddrunk I made the post for others to recognize certain issues. It just so happens that I have experience in some of these problems. Things are always looking better. Every day of my life I wake up and tell myself it’s a new start, a new fantabulous day. I try not to look back, and continue to move forward. So I guess to answer your question in a shorter way, yes. Things are getting better. The world is constantly changing, and my life is having it’s ups and downs, just like anyone else. 2018 is a fresh start. And thank you for your comment :). Stay happy and stay cool ✌🏽.

  • @black_beetle I hella like hugs. hugs

  • @willoww Awww☺️☺️☺️☺️

  • @willoww Oh, I guess I'm outdated on some things. Well I am glad you choose to look on the bright side, daily. That is how it should be done, regardless of the situation (and that can be rather hard at times).
    I just wish I could do that daily without so much effort.

  • Music Lovers

    @nidzzz ayyyyy, you can choose to let shit break you, or you can choose to break it. As for my topics, glad to hear you like them :)

  • @korglife17 I was waiting to see the gif you were going to use for this post ;). Three years ago I would’ve told you to take the word β€œhope” and shove it up your ass. BUT, I’ve learned that having others is what really gets ya through. I wake up every day, which I have said in another comment, and tell myself it’s a fresh start. A brand new day. I’ll be sure to keep your comment in mind, because I think it was more beautifully worded than my actual post. So thanks for all that you have done this past month. Don’t change for anyone

  • @korglife17 said in 2017: I am going to post whatever the hell I want.:

    Also, my 200th post, apparently.
    Not that big of a deal Ig, but this is an even greater honor for me now.

    Heyyyy!! It is too a big deal, congratulations! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  • @blooddrunk dude...my secret, ice cream. For breakfast. I kid you not. I think it’s impossible for someone to be sad when eating ice cream, honestly. It should be illegal.

  • @bushmurry said in 2017: I am going to post whatever the hell I want.:

    I hope you weren't hoping for a reaction other than admiration, cos that's all I got! Bugger them all, let them lead narrow existences. I hope you know that yes,I have judged you. As a strong cool girl who doesn't need to be anything other than honest with me. I'm sorry the support in your real life to be so lacking

    I was actually so nervous this morning to open up the comments πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. That’s why my replies are so much later. I have many friends, not just in my everyday life but here as well. Thanks for not being a dick, and not encouraging my fear πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  • @sir-devil Im slowly gathering my attitude from many people on this site. (I’m talking about you, @Kanuna-s-Clone ). πŸ˜‚ I’ve never been a very outspoken person. And that’s mostly because I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. But your advice, is hella good, helllaa good. So thank you :), I’ll be sure to stop giving shits I guess.
    As for the first part of your comment, if you ever want to talk about what you are going through, I’m pretty much always on here. I like to boil my β€œtragedy” down to being just like everyone else. Life has ups and downs. No ones problems are less severe than others. In the end, it all leads to the same thing, stress and sadness.
    Your admiration is what confuses me most however. I am no one special, I am no stronger than a person trying to get through work during the day. No different from the people behind their screens feeling broken down.
    Lastly, because I do need to establish this because I forgot to in my initial post, I will never go back in time and change it. Because I have a beautiful daughter, and she made the pain all the worthwhile, I like to look at it like something positive did come out of it, otherwise I’d probably be destroyed inside.
    Thank you so much, and I’ll be sure to keep this comment in mind in addition to others you have made to other people. :)

  • Gamers

    @willoww I never claimed not to be a Dick lol... But I'll take it :)

  • @willoww This reply is exactly the reason I said that you have my admiration. All I'm saying is that just stay the way you are right now. You are great.

  • @black_beetle i love hugs πŸ˜ƒ

  • @willoww you rock πŸ™‹

  • @leo_sihra said in 2017: I am going to post whatever the hell I want.:

    @black_beetle i love hugs πŸ˜ƒ

    The hugs for me bish, back off 😜

  • @willoww sharing is caring bish πŸ˜‹
    Share the love and hugs 😁😁

  • @willoww You got it. ;)

  • @willoww I know how it is to be quiet and let everyone walk on you, and this is how I became outspoken, blunt, and carry a no-care attitude unless it's needed. It takes a certain point in your life to make you who you're meant to be, and there are people who will come and go in your life that pushes you to that point. The unneeded stress that comes with giving a shit what others think is too much to carry; might as well be yourself and fuck those who turn their nose at you. The more you assert yourself in this world, the better off you will be. The stress melts away, and it leaves room for more dire problems that actually need tending to.
    Keep learning from me, and you will feel great. ;)
