I wanted to take a minute to explain myself and apologize

  • @blue-eyes hey blue eyes, you know. . . I get it, I took a lot of psych classes that weren't part of my major because i was fascinated by how the mind works, apart of my courses was human sexuality 1 and 2. So I understand it's a part thats wired into everyone, impulses and desire, but i think it shows who you are if you're unable to exhibit restraint when it comes to that stuff. I'll be sure to send a follow your way. thanks for reaching out

  • @Gemini_Beta Hey thanks for commenting, Im glad and saddened to know I'm not alone. Like, these guys all have moms ya know, these guys know women, they have grandmas, moms, aunts, cousins, siblings, and some have daughters. What would the women in their lives think of some of the BS we've been subjected to, ya know? thanks, im going to try not to let it get under my skin

  • Hi my name is Pringle

  • @Lindsey There is a time and place for everything. Some over step the line and are not bothered by the way the other person feels. They are purely out to gain there Preferences and sometimes force it your way
    It sad how some people are towards each other
    I can hold my head up high and be a true gent
    Respect as always
    Drop us a line. Don’t give up some of us are genuine and respectful

  • @Lindsey 😊! Yaay

  • does anyone care?

  • @Littlelion12 muh vagina, like how long are women going to bitch about getting attention from men? Especially on online anonymous forums.

  • @m-y-s-t-e-r-y I have one too though and I'm straight. She just wants a normal conversation from what I gather

  • Well that's what happens when you put men and women together, the men hit on the women and the women choose their breeding partner. That's basically all life is.

  • @m-y-s-t-e-r-y I see your point. You're saying it shouldn't come as a surprise the nature of these forums since men being obnoxious isn't new and of course they'd be more aggressive in an anonymous chat.

  • @Lindsey I over readed it but i will read it when i find a lot more time later after working ! I will go on and replaying on your whole words you said and told and explained so good ! be sure i am not bored by your words and i just need time to take the things together you wrote down. I am hopeful to read from you again ! take care & stay healthy

    greetings from Japan

  • @Littlelion12 its like if i went to poor country dressed like richie mcdick waving around american dollars and dripping that thick saudi oil and drinking aqifani fugi water and all these poor people hound me and I act outraged at their behavior...

  • @Lindsey hey Lindsey I'm completely failing to see.why you're apologising. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Please tell me you realise you've done nothing wrong. It's cringey the way a.lot of guys run around like a.dog with 2 dicks and it's their responsibility not yours. Having said that I'm really happy you've dècided to.stick around. I hope you now have a better experience on here but trust me, setting your stall out and being clear about what you do and don't want will not be a deterrent to a certain type of guy on here

  • @m-y-s-t-e-r-y Ah I see you. Ggs

  • @Div You know what's weird, I always assumed we can't receive random messages from people we dont add. I'm pretty new to this site so I think I know the basics but theres a ton of things idk about

  • @Lindsey Now where i readed your post i can say i know and understand what are you talking about ! I am so sorry to hear it that so much peoples with just Sexualy interessts was writing you ~ On a place like this (also whole internet) you never can be sure if there are dick-wearing peoples who come and write you down with such messages. You never can be sure & and never will be save for such peoples but at least you can block them and close the messages of them... I am a guy myself and i never had the idea of presenting me like this!! badly i had a lot of such experiences myself with womans and i can say i don't trust anymore a bunch of you peoples are really okay and i think i can talk to you in a normaly way... if you ever need someone for an non-sexualy talk i am here and i followed you up! because humans like you became rare this days. exactly this is why i am careful about social media sites also i really like the internet and /listen reading up the cultures of other countrys and human beings. But i really ask myself if this individuals are human beings ? I am not sure about it anymore. Non-respect for a woman is something i can't tolerate since my own mother told me i should handle womans like flowers i do it with some respect.. womans are the reason why also we male's are alive and without them we would be nothing but crying babys on the ground.. ! so thank you for existing to all of you and mostly you for your courage to writing such a long text ... to explain your situation !

    sorry for my bad english and i promise to read up more from you
    greetings from the cold Osaka ~

  • This post is deleted!

  • @F7k-B0y I completely understand what your saying.
    The amount of real genuine people are hard to find
    At least I’m genuine and don’t act an idiot like most of them that are on this site

  • @F7k-B0y All in all lovely Peoples and / normaly peoples are rare everywhere on the network it's hard to find this days peoples who just being here for a normaly convi and a normaly talk right there i feel like it's hard to trust on the internet but in the other way i think there are peoples thinking the same way as u do and thats why i am here ! i like bringing up the way of my mind and telling how i think about several things i think it don't play a matter if you are america, algerian, romanian or male or female the fact that u think in a good way makes u interessting for a good talk... :) feel free to follow me up my friend