• @Lurker hey man there's nothing wrong with feeling wistful. The certain knowledge that things are gone and won't be coming back is powerful stuff. That's why so much beautiful heart rending music has come from that place. We all have that shit, you're not alone my friend. Live in your dreams if that's what comforts you. Then it will be even more amazing when something sneaks up on you and lifts you out of it

  • @sky1234 Female alien. Guess i can deal with that...

  • @Scottish said in I miss my old self:

    @Lurker hey man there's nothing wrong with feeling wistful. The certain knowledge that things are gone and won't be coming back is powerful stuff. That's why so much beautiful heart rending music has come from that place. We all have that shit, you're not alone my friend. Live in your dreams if that's what comforts you. Then it will be even more amazing when something sneaks up on you and lifts you out of it

    It can be a problem, tho... Don't get me wrong buddy, I cheerish and keep the memories fresh and warm but they aren't my present and they surely won't help me in the future, so I should try and accept they are the past and they are gone and try to move on, otherwise I'm afraid to be stuck in something that is long gone

  • @Lurker yeah i know. But you'll move on when you're ready and able to. I'm just saying don't beat yourself up about where you are now. It's ok to be fucked up. Jesus, so many of us are. I'm pretty sure every single person i dig on this site is. It's why we all talk and relate to each other. It's a fucking nightmare being a sentient creature ain't it? I've actually had times when I've thought I'd prefer to be brain dead, just to stop the thoughts coming

  • @Nia-Rox all the best things are bad for us Nia, nicotine beats the shit out of lettuce. Alcohol is so much more fun than cous cous. Proof that there isn't a god or if there is he's a fucked up asshole and i want words with him. Nice song choice btw, the beach boys, right?

  • @Scottish

    Won't lie I wished to not feel sometimes, but then I realize that the good times will be boring as well :shrug:

  • @Lurker you need strategies to deal with this shit i find. I have several, all of them are forms of distraction i suppose, well i fucking know! Chemical barriers (alcohol, weed, that's my limit) keeping busy (going to work has so often been my salvation, i dont get to brood) diving into a good book, comfort eating, power walking, just getting fucking stroppy about it (internally) , walking, the best one would be music but then you have ro be careful what you choose, like Russian roulette that!. Thats my way round it, an array of stuff to distract me. I hide from it basically

  • @Scottish

    I kinda go around it the same way as you, but it gets even more lonely as soon as you let yourself think a bit πŸ˜… thanks for the tips

  • @Lurker you will get there brother! And when you do please send me the fucking directions 😁😁😁

  • @sky1234 I miss my brain

  • I love life and cherish every Moment I've had, because out of each a lesson was learnt and I can't wait to face every typpa moment that's coming my way😊