• Sometimes at work, you get a lady wearing a really nice, expensive-smelling perfume, and I always wonder if it's OK to mention it. On one hand, it would seem like they want you to mention it, but then again, I always worry they might turn round and say either, "Don't be sexist. There's more to women than the way we smell", or, "As opposed to what? Smelling of jacksy?"

    Dunno. It's a tough one. OR IS IT?


  • @Lazz has dodged a hard stare from a lady for a start

  • @Indrid-Cold It's the same with lots of gender role lessons we were taught, at a certain age, I'd suppose. In this day and age there seems no correct act, or gesture, or even facial expression that is a good one, to all women, at all times. Holding a door open? Offering to pay for dinner? A smile, or even a friendly compliment? Any are acceptable, even expected, but only about half the time, and by only half the women. And the kicker is: you usually have NO CLUE when around a woman what she'd be ok with, and what she might consider offensive. Asking helps, in some cases. May I get the door for you? Would it be ok for me to compliment your wonderful choice of perfume?

  • @Lazz Hmm. Asking seems deceptively obvious, but I might actually try that. And I like, "Would it be ok for me to compliment your wonderful choice of perfume?" David Niven innit. No one can touch you as long as you've got the guts to be suave.

  • @Indrid-Cold If you happen to be familiar with an old children's game called "Mother, may I" it's a lot like that.

  • @Indrid-Cold It could be that, in this day and age, a simple question would be more welcome (less triggering) than an outright statement, or unwanted opinion, Eh?

  • @Lazz I'm bloody well going to try it.

  • @Indrid-Cold Nothing ventured nothing gained. God speed, and good vibes

  • @Indrid-Cold I hope it isn't 🤔 I hope it's not a creepy thing to say, but some girls smell really nice 😁😁

  • @Indrid-Cold
    interacting with women is misogynistic behavior, don't do it!

    in honesty tho, i think it's fine. an unassuming little compliment won't offend anyone, or at least it shouldn't

  • @sarah_the_magpie TWS is such a level-headed site. It's like the _anti_twitter.

  • @Indrid-Cold Hey, we are far too suave to tweet. Yeah, let's go with that.

  • Our world has gone crazy, honestly. I think being offended has become an epidemic. Can whole societies develop mental illnesses? Now that I put this thought into words, I think I'm gonna answer with yes... You might call the Nazi ideology such a social mental illness, and the communist ideology of the sowjet union, or the communist-capitalistic dictatorship in china...

    Freedom, we gotta hang on to our freedom! Our ancestors died for it! Lets end political correctness, before it becomes law. I mean it is dying apparently thank God. Just that in its last pangs it still tries to take every sane person with it.

    About that compliment though, the truth currently is: if you are attractive to the girl, then it's perfectly fine. if you are not, then its quite offensive. And that about explains the insanity of it :joy: