• @rosestar Living a life with so much loss can rewire a brain to think of nothing but loss. A lost love one/s, a loss of security and even that personal comfort zone and what has been lead to believe. These can really throw a person to the ground. And after being dragged down there so massively and far far too often, we begin to stop bothering to get up again.
    Unfortunately the mix of positive influences and experiences with a high percentage of negatives will no doubt rewire the mind to give depression, anxiety and other mental states. An understanding shoulder is a good solid help. But if that should is not strong enough to help support the individual, then they will usually run for the hills. Unconditional love does not do that. We need a strong understanding should to help. Depression is a heavy burden to carry and usually takes a couple of people to lighten that load. But having some alone time can have a positive psychological effect. We can really dig deep inside to understand what it is that keeps us down in the dumps. Then we can communicate with another so that an easier lift can be sought. Medication doesn't help though. It has never helped me. In fact in nearly lead to my demise. But I am stand up again, uneasy, but standing up.

  • @practicaladam I can see that you have been through a lot in life, I really appreciate your thoughts and thank you so much for sharing! Yes, life is tough and nothing is ever easy but we must stand up and fight!

  • @practicaladam That was very nicely put, I am in a similar situation having not long ago lost very close loved ones. Trying to find an understanding shoulder is very difficult, especially when you're in that state of mind. At times just getting out and speaking to people is a challenge, but with time hopefully we'll heal.

  • @rosestar I have found that understanding the things that are wrong really helps me to focus on what is right. Yes, life on a personal note has been extremely bad. But, I have found that there is so much outside influence that does not understand that which is wrong, or false. I have much patience now, stronger mentally, and the effect of that is the defences to my comfort zone are no longer in the way. Just the self defence to my physical existence and those I care about. Having a laugh, playing good positive music, a hobby and someone to share stories with, and even a hug is the best medicine I can suggest. But when we can always choose to have some alone time just so that we can enjoy our own thoughts for a little while. But too much of that time can and usually do spiral out of control.

  • @practicaladam oh wow thats amazing to hear that you are doing well now! I agree with you, just stay positive and live life to the fullest!

  • @rosestar learning new things and experiences is my greatest practice. Being a practically logically minded bloke, my hands can perform great things that which I never thought I could do. The depression really seems to subside. Suicide was all I thought about until I realised that there was influences around me with the whispers of a negative nature. So I set my sights on what is true and positive. I even got rid of my TV, which helped huge amounts. Peace be with you, may the natural cycle of life be your strength and may unconditional love fill your soul.

  • @practicaladam here if you want someone to talk to, all the best and take care always

  • @rosestar Thank you. A lonely path is a path that does take its toll on a person. But hey, I'm still breathing, the planet is still a beautiful place to live. It's just a pity there are many living on it that seeks nothing but power, greed, and so on. I stand for the development of humanity, positive energy, truth, and anything that restricts that. Thank you for chatting. Now I feel I should go cook my yum yums. Omelette.

  • @practicaladam you are very welcome ! You are new here? Welcome to TWS! You are always welcome to message me or anyone else here :) We hope you will feel happy and have a good time here! Go and cook your yum yum Omelette :) Enjoy and have a great day ! If you have any questions or anything don't hesitate to ask

  • @rosestar yes, new here, new start, new me. WHOOHOO. New skills, knowledge, wisdom. It is awesome. A door closes, and another will open. We have the keys to all doors, it's knowing which key will fit. Take me as I am, or not at all. That's the way I see it. I'll help anyone out if I can. Walk the lady home, fix a garden fence, be a shoulder for those that struggle. Love to you all.

  • @practicaladam <3 sending love on your way! Take care! Hope you enjoy it here