Hello Strangers,
Thank you for joining TalkWithStranger ChatRooms Community
We are so glad to have you among us. Welcome to Your Social Network of Strangers!
TalkwithStranger ChatRooms Community is like a social network of strangers. Discuss topics, follow people, chat with people, make friends from all over the world & share everything for free!
Without so much preface, please give us your attention for a moment and read the contents below carefully.
It's for your own good and prevents problems in the future for you and your friends.
If you're already aware of some parts, you can click on the links below or scroll down the page for further information and rules.
0-Community Rules
1-How to create a topic and place it in the right category
2-Use of various writing capabilities and familiarity with the language used in this community for making a post
3-Settings: Introducing different options in your settings (no need for single tutorials)
4-Account information
5-Definition of specific terms used on this platform
6-Interest based groups and categories
Also, any new rules will be entered/amended as needed and we will keep it updated.
Important Points:
1- you must be 13 years old or over with parental permission or 18+ without to use our site. Further information can be found here privacy policy page and Terms of Service
2- Old And New Users Have to know how to set the strongest password or update it as soon as possible, it's for your best interests and also a very important prerequisite for higher security insurance, you can find The tutorial here.
Community Rules & Content Policies:
1- We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on TWS. The platform is a family-friendly site and we expect the users to maintain the decorum. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed. Photos of gore are also not allowed.
2-We are deeply concerned about the safety of the people who use our community. While we don’t allow users to celebrate or promote suicide or self-injury, we do allow them to discuss these topics because we want TWS to be a space where people can share their experiences, raise awareness about these issues and seek support from one another. Consequently, posts and comments encouraging eating disordered behavior will be instantly removed. Eating disorders are a severe mental illness, not a lifestyle choice.
3- Making topics with inappropriate content equals warning and/or topic deletion. Posting inappropriate pictures including gore/sexually explicit content can lead to a permanent ban.
Adult topics and dating content can be posted in the "Find Your Date" Category which can only be accessed by joining Soul Searchers Group. This group is intended for adults 18 and up.
This is not a dating website, so please avoid posting adult natured and dating only topics in other categories.
4- Junk Posts, repetitive topics, advertisements, and also spamming in any way would face with warning or ban and topic deletion.
5- If there's business with TalkWithStranger such as new features or bugs, please contact here: TWS Contact Support
spamming it in private chats or disturbing people of issues equals warning or ban.
6- We recognize that the safety of our users extends to the security of their personal information. Never share your real information such as pictures, phone number, physical or digital address, bank account details, or ID. We will not be held accountable or liable per the Privacy Policy.
Attempts to gather sensitive personal information by deceptive or invasive methods are harmful to the authentic, open, and safe atmosphere that we want to foster. Therefore, we do not allow attempts to gather sensitive user information through the abuse of our platform and products.
Sharing of your personal information is not allowed in public chats or topics, this can include but is not limited to: your phone number, email, snapchat, kik, instagram, discord, etc.
Please do not make topics asking users to contact you on other platforms. (Find your lost friend.... category has exceptions when it regards one person. But as it is public it is at your own risk.)
7- Do not flag someone for no reason, it causes misunderstandings and warnings if there was no exact reason for that. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban.
8- Fake Users will get banned after warnings, please avoid making fake accounts. Making accounts to self up-vote is also not allowed as well as making accounts to down-vote users. Anything that affects reputation score in any way other than legitimate ways is a bannable offence.
9-The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality topics and informative comments. Promoting or linking sites about online dating, making friends (eg. phone number, email, snapchat, insta, discord, kik etc.), money-making, and also scamming sites for grabbing users' personal information is totally unacceptable. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes but not limited to: any type of referral linking, "offers," soliciting, begging, stream threads, selling nudes, etc.
Buying/Selling of illegal content/drugs is not allowed.
Asking for money for any reason is not allowed.
Please do not make topics asking users to contact you on other platforms. (Find your lost friend.... category has exceptions when it regards one person. But as it is public it is at your own risk.)
10- Make sure you don't make the website unusable with the excessively repeated posting of topics or links or images in both topics and public chat sections for other users. Such actions will have serious consequences.
If you feel it is necessary, comment on an already existing topic to "bump" it to the top of recent posts rather than making a new topic on the same subject.
11- You can curse, but you can't be very offensive towards a fellow user. You cannot insult the parents or culture of the user, you cannot make the user feel uncomfortable in any way. You cannot threaten the lives of users. Spreading hatredness or terrorism activities are not allowed. TWS wants a friendly environment for all its users to thrive in.
12- The Public Chatroom always welcomes healthy discussions, but then that discussion shouldn't turn into a group fight. Opinions of people always differ, you should respect them. TWS supports private group direct messaging. You can use that facility if you want to argue/fight on your opinion with a specific set of people.
To facilitate the spirit of discussion, a language that is understood to be accepted by everyone, English, is preferable to be used on the public chat.
The linking of phone numbers, email, snapchat, insta, kik etc is not allowed in the Public Chats. Also, Buying/Selling of illegal content/drugs and nudes is not allowed in public chats.
You have your Freedom of speech at the same time the other users have their Right to dignity. Your Right to free speech is not to impede their RIGHT to dignity. In case your actions are degrading other users or making their experience undesirable, necessary actions will be taken against you.
Please report any users you feel may have broken any rule, induced harassment, or behaved inappropriately, by visiting their profile and selecting "flag profile" from the triple dot menu.
Any questions or Suggestions?
1- For suggesting new features and talk about the site abilities or report a bug, please contact here: TWS Contact Support or contact directly with the ADMIN.
Introducing Moderators and Admin:
If you have any problem you can message the admin here:
- @TalkWithStranger
or you can talk to our moderators here:
•And also in this page, you can find a list of users based on their :
- Reputation
- Number of posts
- Points
- Award Winners
- Latest users
- Online/Offline situation
The more good quality content you discuss and share with others, the more up-votes and followers you will get.
You can find the latest updates and announcements on our Official TWS Instagram account.
You can find Tutorials on our Official TWS YouTube account