Let's stick to the format.
Just paste the YouTube link of your favourite song and let's see which gets the most up votes.
Trying to make new interesting friends. Don't be shy ;)
I like people who are active and fast.
Let's stick to the format.
Just paste the YouTube link of your favourite song and let's see which gets the most up votes.
“Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself
with those who bring out the best in you.”
@solo You know what, you can use & this symbol and then type anything, an you can find and post animated gif pictures too ;)
What type of questions to ask a guy to impress him?
@littlegirly003 awww a better love story than twilight :D
@katie_15 I'll try to extend my life.
@solo good topic.
Will Smith saying to his real son in the movie The Pursuit of Happiness
I remember " remember never ever let anybody know that you cannot do it you can never give up you have to keep on trying try try try never say why there is always Gotta Be away it's not impossible everything is possible if you give your all to it you will eventually get it there is nothing in this world that you cannot get it"
crush is sudden likeness and love is intimate strong deep likeness...
Do you think he is doing right?
What type of questions to ask a guy to impress him?
What are the most exciting reasons to become involved with digital currencies?
@sir-devil Just wanted to say Hats off to you! you have made to the most popular topics of all time!
As we are all strangers, so we can share anything with strangers but not with our friends/family!
So guys share away all your crazy secrets, then it will be my turn :D
What is the most beautiful thing in your life?
"Can you lose your virginity if you fall?" Me and my friend were playing in yesterday and i fell down.
Who is currently the most famous person alive Who is in the top 10?