doesn't "expect the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?

  • i've lost a few brain cells :B

  • @alexthealien sometimes it does but most of the times it does not

  • @alexthealien hey wanna chat??

  • This post is deleted!

  • @AlexTheAlien Yes, that's entirely the point.

  • Just because you know THAT sth is going to happen, doesn't mean you know WHEN it's gonna happen...that makes the expected unexpected still somewhat unexpected.
    Think abt it.

  • @BraxJo I have to disagree. There are no conditions implied, so what or when are totally irrelevant.

  • @Lazz expecting the unexpected would mean that something is going to happen and you expect it. So the unexpected is something that is going to happen and that would also mean it happens at a certain time.
    So if we're talking "excpecting it" you'd:

    ā€¢know when it's going to happen
    ā€¢what is going to happen (also includes how)

    So what or when is coming with else would you be expecting sth unexpected?!

  • @BraxJo I still have to humbly disagree. Case in point: I have something coming in the mail. I'm expecting it, but I don't know where it's coming from, or from whom, and don't know when it might be delivered, so those are unexpected elements surrounding something I Expect. Again, the who, what, why, when or how are irrelevant to the statement. As with the above stated situation I am literally expecting the unexpected, thought there are aspects of it that fall into the expected category, there are still several unknowns,and they don't pertain

  • @Lazz "thought there are aspects of it that fall into the expected category, there are still several unknowns."
    Idk why you're disagreeing...that was litterally my point.
    I gave "when" and "what" as examples and stated my point:"that makes the expected unexpexted still somewhat unexpected".
    Maybe I just formulated it weirdly so my point didn't come across correctly and I apologize if that is the case.

  • @BraxJo I think we've both gotten too sidetracked here by additional details, and aspects. Just the root question of expecting the unexpected, I believe that is entirely possible. Anything could qualify as "unexpected" so those possibilities are endless. I may have misspoke, as well. My meaning in the example was only to clarify that in my own opinion any of the endless possibilities of potential unknowns don't pertain to the whole. Seems we live our lives expecting any and every unexpected, regardless of what any of whichever unexpecteds end up being. From there it just becomes a matter of semantics, or philosophy. Again, just an opinion.

  • @DIV asking the real questions

  • @DIV Old habits die hard, friend. Just used to doing so
