• Hi guys I am F(19) and my girlfriend is F(22). We met my freshman year of college and coming into my sophomore year we ended up falling for each other. We were both straight before and the whole coming out thing has had its ups and downs. My girlfriend's family is very religious and very obviously homophobic. Her mom found out that we were dating through texts and basically threatened to pull my girlfriend out of school if she kept this up. Fast forward to now her sister flew in on Saturday and my girlfriend decided that she wanted to tell her about us. This caught me off guard due to the fact that she had said she was going to tell her over Christmas break and didn't because there was never a good time, even though we were home for over a month. Also, side note, all my family and friends know and while my parents are having a hard time adjusting everyone else has been supportive. Whenever we meet with my older sister, parent, or friends they put in a lot of effort to make my girlfriend feel comfortable and included, as do I. I know how hard it can be meeting the family especially under our circumstances so I do everything I can to bring her into conversations and make a fool out of myself in order to calm her anxiousness. Back to the story, on the drive back from the airport my gf tells her sister and her sister was supportive, but didn't really ask much about our relationship or me (what my gf told me). When they came into our apartment (we live together with one more roommate. these decisions were made before we were a thing) I introduced myself and asked her how her flight was. I asked her what she did and if she was excited to watch us play (we play college softball). However, she never asked me anything about myself so the conversations ended fast and I struggled to come up with other things to talk about. My girlfriend and her would talk about people they knew back at home without filling me in, which was fine I just stuggled finding times to add into the conversation. At some point I just gave up and sat and listened to their conversations not minding it much because ik they haven't seen each other in awhile. Sunday comes around and we have games. After the games my girlfriend drove back with her sister and her sister took her out to dinner, I wasn't invited but didn't mind because again they hadn't seen each other. They got back to the apartment before me because I went out to get myself food after the game, I also offered to grab them boba. When I walked into the apartment I tried to make conversation on what the sister was watching in the living room and she told me and the conversation ended and we all sat in silence, so I took this as a sign to leave and took a shower. We went out to drink later that night and it was a bit awkward, but I did my best to engage w her. The next day I was busy because I had a presentation, lift, practice, and meetings w my professors. I had a mental breakdown coming back to the apartment bc I am in exam week and I have two papers due Thursday, a debate Wednesday, and a marketing video on Friday. I've been locked up in the library and in my room doing hw all day. The sister and I have basically only said hi today and that about it. My gf yelled at me later that night because I haven't been making an effort even though whenever they go out I'm never invited. I know I need to do more. I just get this feeling that she already doesn't like me at all. My gf sister is 25.