• Have you experience your parents gaslighting you without them consciously knowing it? How did you handle that? Did u ever explain to them that what they're doing at that time was wrong? If you did, how did u do it? My mother has been doing it a lot and just noticed it now, I thought before what she was saying was right and that it was good for me but looking at it right now I think there's something wrong with how she was controlling my every action, words I should say and how I should be feeling. It's making me sad and suffocate though I do not like these, I also do not want to get mad at them but these been bothering and hurting me so I would like to hear your thoughts or experience about these.
    Thanks for hearing me out btw.

  • @mvie_20 I can't say my parents have ever gaslighted me but I have been gaslighted by an ex-boyfriend. I am sorry to hear about your situation. I was able to walk away from that toxic ex and idk your age but I know walking away from toxic parents is not so easy. My best advice is to keep on educating yourself about what you are being told and just try to keep the peace until you can find a better solution. I wish you well... wish I could help more.

  • Banned

    @mvie_20 My parents punish me like beating with stick but hearing what happened to you is very shocking.You are very strong person my freind I hope things get better with you.Take care buddy โ™ฅ๏ธ

  • @janet thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š. You are so sweet. Also I appreciate your advice and I am glad you were able to walk and left early from a person who is like that as well. I will be taking your advice. Hoping you are doing well as well ๐Ÿ’•

  • Thank you @ayyboyy_2007 you are also strong to handle all those beatings as well. You take care also and keep safe. ๐Ÿ™

  • @mvie_20 ๐Ÿคฃ i bet you perhaps not even asian, or may be not CHINESE ๐Ÿ˜‚
    I grew up with mixed culture, so gaslighting is not a new thing. Since i was kid, i was told to do this and that based on my parents expectations:

    1. You are Asian not Bsian, how come you get B in this test?
    2. You get only A? A is average, B is Based, you get CDEF? Go away from my house ๐Ÿคฃ
    3. You know uncle xxx (name)? His son, he already takes his master degree to Netherland, what you do here? Sleeping like scumbag, you suck ๐Ÿ˜‚
    4. You never have someone, are you gay or you are weird?
    5. All this time, you are 28 yo, you have no flings / lover / companion, aiyo mami and papi will be died one day, then you will be with who? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    6. I have damnly pathetic kid that cant be something in the future who will never give me grandkids
    7. You are not even a manager yet in your 28? You are useless ๐Ÿ˜‚
    8. You know aunty xxx daughter? She already married a successful man from america, now i am wondering why you cant have american?
    9. You know aunty xxx son? He already married a british woman who has bluish eyes, you? Succ, even having someone you cant have, leh ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Those only 9 examples that i have to deal everyday. Dont be like it is the end of the world btw.
