• @TheRisingSun said in this is again my question:

    @Janet said in this is again my question:

    @Lake-Bodom Honestly I can't imagine anything worse than ending up in a marriage with a "shreks" partner that is terrible (yes that can happen). I would honestly rather marry someone that has had sex before.
    Don't think I am telling everyone to go have sex. I do think you should be an adult/close to adulthood before having sex because there are emotions involved. If you choose to have sex please practice safe sex! Use condoms and other other forms of birth-control!

    But most ppl here are Indian, and they are grandparents by the time they reach adulthood 🦧

    Lol my mom had 2 kids when she was at my age 🀣 .

  • @The-Mods
    Ig I haven't think about it in depth, didn't need to yet. But I allow u to say if it will be helpful for me

  • @Ash33-exe said in this is again my question:

    Imo it doesn't matters to be her first, but be her last.

    well said!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Janet said in this is again my question:

    @Ash33-exe said in this is again my question:

    Imo it doesn't matters to be her first, but be her last.

    well said!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • @Lake-Bodom well i am into sex after marriage since i never did "shreks" before, yea for marriage 😁

    However, somehow, we dont know about someone's life (up and down), her tories and many things about her past life. I wont judge but i will not marry that person if she is not virgin :)
    Why? She can not "keep her pants" from her greatest lust and desires, then how she can keep a commitment to live "forever" with me?

    Change me if you have your own thought, bottom!

  • I cant put stupid religious beliefs over people, if the girl is right would I really care if she's a virgin or not? No, I wouldn't.

  • @The-Mods said in this is again my question:

    @Ash-33 Sorry , I have a rude innocent question lol what makes you different than any dog or cat or pig In this case ?

    wait wait. I didn't get ur question that time. But I do have difference than them. It's called being logical.
    Do u really think women should be virgin just to have sex with guy who think like u ?
    Man if that happens then, that virginity is total waste.
    Well if u truly think I have no difference than any dog , any cay or any pig. Then u must have use Google translator and write 20 paragraphs.
    Coz u have right to say ur opinion but not have right attack my opinion with this nonsense.

  • @A20

    Why? She can not "keep her pants" from her greatest lust and desires, then how she can keep a commitment to live "forever" with me?

    Wow, you guys are fucking retards. It's one thing to have a preference but to straight-up disrespect someone like that its outrageous.

  • @The-Mods said in this is again my question:

    @Ash-33 Sorry , I have a rude innocent question lol what makes you different than any dog or cat or pig In this case ?

    stfu I am 100% sure youve put no thought into it, and your idea of "purity" and all your sex ed comes from the holy book of bullshit. Dont give a shit about your preference cuz to each his own, but dont be disrespectful.

  • @sup he asked about "that" πŸ˜‚
    Thats my honest answers.
    It does not mean that she has to be saint, but at least when she can control her "lusts", she has great self-control.
    I dont want to marry a whore, sup. Someone who is easily fuck others just because they are great in the bed etc. Marriage is not about sex only, but seriously, this is just my wondering thought, "what will she do when i have to travel a lot, she is alone like 1-3 weeks, then she can not control her lusts? She perhaps just want my money and find another guy to fuck with her. Then she will create 'drama' about 'how i cant make her please in sex ways', etc". You dont know right, that 3 of my exes irl did it, i ended up by living them. I dont need that fucking gorgeous appearance nor that smartass girl as a wife.

    It is different ya, if the case is about a girl who lost her virginity because of raped / another incidents that i never thought before.

    I will fully accept her btw, either she is a virgin or not but again with several things that i feel it can be tolerable. Again i dont want to marry a whore, like i never did sex before then, why i cant demand that?

    Well if she cant accept it, i will just leave. I will find someone who can fulfill it, hence it is equal.

  • @A20 I'm sorry dude but the amount of ignorance in this post is just πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    "what will she do when i have to travel a lot, she is alone like 1-3 weeks, then she can not control her lusts? She perhaps just want my money and find another guy to fuck with her. Then she will create 'drama' about 'how i cant make her please in sex ways',

    Marriage is about loyalty you even said its not all about sex. When you get married you make a commitment to be faithful it has nothing to do with wanting sex before marriage. Having sex isn't about "controlling lust" if you are single and want to have sex (with a consenting adult), fuck it, have sex. Control lust from what then before marriage?

    Think about this. She has sex for the first time with you and really likes having sex. .. you travel she wants more because she likes it and cheats then. It can happen whether or not she's a virgin

  • @sup How am I disrespectful ? After your comment I'm 100% sure that ur so Ignorant.

  • @Ash33-exe I will not use my brain on this site , I decided that since the 1st time I came here to be shocked Instantly. And now I'm more shocked with the sum of Ignorance and lack of depth you have. You even assume what you think u understand and Instantly turn into a sensitive creature afterwards. That's ridiculous.

  • @Janet OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @The-Mods said in this is again my question:

    @Ash33-exe I will not use my brain on this site , I decided that since the 1st time I came here to be shocked Instantly.

    Well, then y u got bothered by my opinion? Why u said u will defend ur opinion by writing 20 paragraphs?

    And now I'm more shocked with the sum of Ignorance and lack of depth you have. You even assume what you think u understand and Instantly turn into a sensitive creature afterwards. That's ridiculous.

    And that time I was in hurry, so I just read first part and thought u r amazed by knowing the difference in our opinion. Thought u might learn from it. And u this comment is dick move and nice try to divert main argument. Well if u have nothing to say about main argument then leave it.

  • @Janet said in this is again my question:

    Marriage is about loyalty you even said its not all about sex. When you get married you make a commitment to be faithful it has nothing to do with wanting sex before marriage. Having sex isn't about "controlling lust" if you are single and want to have sex (with a consenting adult), fuck it, have sex.

    Nah, you missed the point. Sorry to say but still i say someone who cant control her lust is a whore.
    So, man can not be a whore too? Nah, man can be. Thats why i dont do that. So, when you said "fuck it", well you said it for yourself, not for myself :)

    Control lust from what then before marriage?

    Control your vagene to not get fuck from someone before you get married. Thats the point of "lusts".

    Think about this. She has sex for the first time with you and really likes having sex. .. you travel she wants more because she likes it and cheats then. It can happen whether or not she's a virgin

    πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ "she has sex for the first time with you"? From the first, that statement is really funny ngl πŸ˜‚
    I never did it, i dont want to do it unless i marry that girl. You think i never rejected them? I did, many times. So, your first statement is nonsense.

    Well if she is virgin, she will have a concern like "oh yes i have my own partner/husband, i wont do that", it is different with someone who is not virgin~
    -again, this is what i think-

  • @Ash33-exe Sorry ash I have no motive at all to write 20-30 paragraphs explaining 10's and maybe a hundred thought on people who Can't understand even the basics of logic . Don't get Insulted so easily cz I did not Insult you here . :)

  • @A20 said in this is again my question:

    Sorry to say but still i say someone who cant control her lust is a whore

    You do not know the definition of a whore my friend. A whore is a woman who is a prostitute. Also.. thanks for calling me a whore bud.

    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    Control your vagene to not get fuck from someone before you get married

    Who the fuck cares if you have sex before marriage. you really need to get over old fashioned ways of thinking. Virginity is not that big a deal dude.

    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    "she has sex for the first time with you"? From the first, that statement is really funny ngl
    I never did it, i dont want to do it unless i marry that girl. You think i never rejected them? I did, many times. So, your first statement is nonsense.
    Well if she is virgin, she will have a concern like "oh yes i have my own partner/husband, i wont do that", it is different with someone who is not virgin~
    -again, this is what i think-

    HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I SAID. Long story short being a virgin before marriage has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being faithful to your spouse. I am not a virgin and I have never nor would ever cheat.

  • @The-Mods
    Ur comment means a lot if u say this loud in front of mirror.. u didn't understand my first comment. But I understand urs. So the more ignorant person among us is not me.
    Nvm I don't have any intention to teach u a lesson through an argument.

  • @Ash33-exe Thank you ash :) have a nice day .Don't comment to Ignorant people like me anymore ;)