@janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly

  • @ssll-sg πŸ₯±πŸ€ 😊

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Stand up ur sitting on something btw !! IT'S A TM Cock

    youre gay/homosexuals?
    well,its cool.
    i have no problem with homosexuals.
    however,im concerned with your fetish of someone sitting on your dick.
    dont you think its painful?
    be careful,ok?
    make sure you wear condom or tell your partner to wear condom all the time.STD is no joke.

  • @ssll-sg When It comes to ur sexy ass yes Im homo πŸ˜‚ no need for condom I would like to see for the 1st time in history an ass getting pregnant πŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods

    aww,im flattered.but,i dont swing that way,buddy.

    you really like people to step on your penis,eh?

    well,its your body.do whatever you want,buddy.

    ermm,you can try and ask @Morf about hooking up.he seemed like a nice guy,albeit a big hypocrite.who knows.he might like you back!

    good for you for not being ashamed of your sexuality. we need more people like you in this world!!!!!!!


  • @The-Mods

    oh yeah.youre from lebanon.that backward ass country loves discriminating LGBTQ like you,right?

    well,word of advice,buddy.
    dont come out of the closet yet.youre going to be ostracized by your friend and your family member.its just not worth the risk.

    huh.that also explains why you hardly able to communicate in english,eh?

    well,im gonna go now.ive got a hot date tonight.

    have fun getting your dick stepped on or whatever.just promise me that you wont go overboard,ok?

    :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face:

  • @ssll-sg No no only ur ass plz πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @ssll-sg

    1. 'Lebanon is grappling with the worst economic and financial crisis in its modern history β€” one that the World Bank has said is likely to rank as one of the worst the world has seen in the past 150 years.'

    2. 'In an earlier report, published one year ago, ESCWA found that between 2019 and 2020, the headcount poverty rate had already jumped from 28% to 55%. According to the last update, the multidimensional poverty rate in Lebanon has nearly doubled from 42% in 2019, to 82% in 2021. '

    3. 'More than half of the population is living below the poverty line of $3.84 dollars a day'

    holy crap!
    are you affected by this?
    its no wonder that youre always online
    well,cheer up,buddy.
    your country might be slowly turning into a shithole,but,you will always be my asshole friend!
    :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face:

  • @ssll-sg I must have hurt you badly to write this crap lol sorry just don't do something stupid to yourself :/

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    I must have hurt you badly to write this crap

    so,youre saying that lebanon is rich and is not in economic crisis?

    is that what youre saying?

    how did you get online,anyway?
    i heard that you people only have electricity from 7 pm onward.
    its 1:40 pm.are you using your phone?

  • @ssll-sg How would you relate between me answering back ur shit and me denying the Lebanese economical crisis ? And why would you even bring a national crisis to this chat In a desperate try to Insult me by mentioning my countrie's bad situation ? Just ur connection to between me being me fucking ur non sense and a economical crisis sounds pretty rediculous πŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    How would you relate between me answering back ur shit and me denying the Lebanese economical crisis ?

    you seemed to be offended about the dire situation of your country,buddy!
    are you stressed?
    is that why youre always here in the chatroom,talking about inconsequential matter and completely ignoring the pain and suffering all around you?

  • @ssll-sg Hahahaha yeah I'm a usless citizen that can't change Lebanon's economical crisis that's why I'm active here lol Do you usually write those comments before taking your medication ? Haha

  • @The-Mods

    hey,now! its good that you accept your inadequacy.now,all you need to do i to change your life for the better.just because youre a loser now,doesnt mean that youre going to stay a loser the rest of your life.

    you can change,buddy!!!!!!
    i know you can.

    btw,did you buy USD from the black market? or,did you use LBP in your daily life? whats the exchange nowdays? i think,last week,its around 16,000 lbp,right?

  • @ssll-sg I'm starting to doubt that ur my EX girlfriend saying all those stuff Hahaha Mira is that you baby? Hahaha

  • @The-Mods

    qyour ex girlfriend also thinks tthat youre a loser? i feel sorry for you,buddy.

    so,how do you buy USD from the black market?
    im just curious

  • @ssll-sg Yeaaah they call me the loser cz I refuse to use a condom man πŸ˜‚ stupid right ? So my EX got pregnant and I wanted abortion , she said "noooooooo you selfish Loooser"!! So I told her to suck It ...

  • @ssll-sg I put my hand In my pocket I grab the money from Inside then I give the cashier the money he gives me the exchange 🀝

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Yeaaah they call me the loser cz I refuse to use a condom man stupid right ? So my EX got pregnant and I wanted abortion , she said "noooooooo you selfish Loooser"!! So I told her to suck It ...

    so,youre a dad,now?
    man,it mustve sucks to have asshole like you as a dad,huh? i pity your baby.

    .well,if you think that violence and abuse against women is fun,then,youre a much worse asshole than i am.its pretty disgusting.no wonder you live a shitty life and living in a shitty country.are all lebanese man like you? no wonder 85% of you people are homophobic.

    you still havent answered.how did you get access to internet when there is no electricity before 7 pm?

  • @ssll-sg OMG ! It's like you're throwing bombs of crap , and every time you feel bad the Bomb gets bigger lol I'm not gonna answer your stupid question btw .

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    I'm not gonna answer your stupid question btw .

    are you ashamed that you are unemployed?
    are you embarrassed about your country?
    its okay,buddy!
    its not your fault.
    its someone else's fault.
    definitely not yours.

    you mustve used your phone,right?
    you mustve charged your phone full last night and it will last the whole day.
    you mustve 2 or 3 power bank,right? thats the only way you can be in this site every hour of every day.

    how much is your phone bill?