@janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly

  • @YourMomToo

    dear lord!
    being intellectually disabled doesnt excuse you for being a horrible mother,woman!

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg u rage till you pray. wow.

  • @YourMomToo

    you still havent fed your child healthy food? youre a bad mother,woman!now go and feed them real food.

  • @YourMomToo

    stop spending social security $$$ and buy craps.use that money to buy food for your kids! you can do that,right,woman?

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg @ssll-sg why you upset, angry and rage tho? you don't even pay a cent of child support. why cant you just be neat and reply at once? it made you look much dumber.

  • @YourMomToo

    because youre my friend,and it broke my heart to see you abuse your child,buddy!!!!!!!

    stop doing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your child is innocent!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg im glad, i broke your heart but you're too upset.

  • @YourMomToo

    im gonna go to work now.my tax payer money paid for your social security.use it to buy food for your kid.dont buy craps from the internet.do you get that,woman?

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg wow you have a job? is it blowjob or handjob? i really think that you need a cock to take your on sale virginity away. anyway, don't get choke. cause my tax aint cover the cave you're living in.

  • @YourMomToo said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    wow you have a job? is it blowjob or handjob? i really think that you need a cock to take your on sale virginity away.

    are you upset?

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg i'm upset cause nobody wanna take your virginity even tho you're on your knees and begged.

  • @YourMomToo

    be upset all you want,woman.
    just dont abuse your children,okay?
    try to be a good mother.
    remember! dont waste my taxpayer money.buy food for your child for jebus sake!

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg awwww say the upset boi.

    go start your job, don't let your client upset.

    jesus's sake can't help you being less dumb.

  • @Piggy_Na :heart:

  • @ssll-sg Resorting to "attempting insults" with an overly-emotional fueled response usually only comes across in a debate as irrational or will be seen as illogical fallacy; therefore ultimately negating any debate which will then have become an "altercation".

    I understand you have a point to get across and that is very much your right. Establishing a manner of civil dialogue without measures in extremities such as clear escalation of emotions or direct targeting with ill intent would aid much more efficiently to your refutations within said debate.

    This was only meant to be friendly advice. Hope this could help you out! Take care! :wave: :)

  • @Morf said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Resorting to "attempting insults" with an overly-emotional fueled response usually only comes across in a debate as irrational or will be seen as illogical fallacy

    1st,there is no such thing as illogical fallacy.fallacy by itself meant invalid/faulty reasoning. therefore,the word illogical is redundant.its just a friendly reminder.

    2nd.i am not the one who started the altercation.

    origin 2.png as you can see from the picture that ive attached,my initial response was direct and on point.i dont remember being confrontational in any way whatsoever.but,as you can see,this semi literate buffoon,@The-Mods, went on engaging in ad hominem attacks towards yours truly on the very next reply,unprovoked.

    my FIRST PRINCIPLE is to treat others how they treated me.i responded in kind,and the whole gang got the wind of this and they decided to gang up on me. that is how the legendary internet feud between the lone freedom fighter(me) against a group of goons led by @Janet began.

    so,if you truly are advocating for civil dialogue or being able to control one's emotion while engaging in a debate,why dont you send the same comment towards these people as well?


    all these people are guilty for being overly emotional and engaging in uncivilized dialogue as well as severely lacking in decorum,right?
    now,show me that youre not bias,and lecture them about your version of 'morality' like you did to me.
    you can do that,right?

  • @YourMomToo

    did you feed your child?

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg I will leave you till you're done with being upset.

  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    @Morf said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Resorting to "attempting insults" with an overly-emotional fueled response usually only comes across in a debate as irrational or will be seen as illogical fallacy

    1st,there is no such thing as illogical fallacy.fallacy by itself meant invalid/faulty reasoning. therefore,the word illogical is redundant.its just a friendly reminder.

    Thank you kindly for this reminder. I appreciate your helpful efforts to further my improvement in executing combinations of these specific nouns and adjectives consecutively within a sentence so no more time and space has to be wasted on such trivial matters within response formats such as this. :)

    2nd.i am not the one who started the altercation.

    My initial response was not to shift blame toward either party regarding the subject matter in question (to which I am not part of the debate itself); but rather to offer constructive and friendly advice in a welcoming manner amid what seems to be a continual unnecessary escalation of drama to which tempers and stress are likely running high. This of course being only an observation regarding posts of instigating nature from yourself that spontaneously appeared in an unrelated topic, to which I will address further below within this response. My aim was simply to be helpful to you, as I am thankful you reciprocated in kind with the friendly reminder you stated above.

    i dont remember being confrontational in any way whatsoever.

    I understand, but you must be able to see how it could appear as such intent from yourself when rather consistent insults such as "name-calling" began without provocation in an unrelated topic.

    but,as you can see,this semi literate buffoon,@The-Mods,

    ⮆ An example of the "name-calling" I mentioned above. In regards to, as you stated: ⮇

    i dont remember being confrontational in any way whatsoever.

    went on engaging in ad hominem attacks towards yours truly on the very next reply,unprovoked.

    Just as insults of name-calling would also be seen as confrontational attacks resulting in provocation toward any individual user you tag.

    my FIRST PRINCIPLE is to treat others how they treated me.i responded in kind,

    I, personally, would rather advocate the principle of level-headedness, maturity, and "taking the high road" to disregard whatever may be deemed unnecessary (or without function) to the actual matter of debate and not worth an escalating response rather than meeting negativity with likewise negativity. Two wrongs do not make a right. However, continual "jabs" of insults or hatefulness will only prove to be a hindrance for resolve and understanding of valid points to be addressed on the subject matter itself. Thus straying from the core matter at hand and only prolonging fruitless attacks for the sake of drama, toxicity, or needless "revenge".

    and the whole gang got the wind of this and they decided to gang up on me. that is how the legendary internet feud between the lone freedom fighter(me) against a group of goons led by @Janet began.

    so,if you truly are advocating for civil dialogue or being able to control one's emotion while engaging in a debate,why dont you send the same comment towards these people as well?

    all these people are guilty for being overly emotional and engaging in uncivilized dialogue as well as severely lacking in decorum,right?

    now,show me that youre not bias,and lecture them about your version of 'morality' like you did to me.

    To address all the above sections of quotes: No one else is responsible for your own decision to respond in what manner you will. To blame others for ones own conduct, in my opinion, is seen as an excuse to exhibit lack of maturity and not taking responsibility for playing a role of instigating retorts or continual escalation resulting in whatever may come back at you: tarnished reputation, or no longer being taken seriously.

    you can do that,right?

    I am not part of this debate. I responded solely to you on the grounds that you began posting in an unrelated topic seemingly with the intent to needlessly instigate further drama, attacks, and provocation to which you spoke of. Nonetheless, to whatever your goal was, that thread began to be filled with the same hateful "back and forth" from this thread. I would certainly hope your intent was not to hijack another user's topics thread out of spite or pettiness. To answer your question, all the users you mentioned will see this. I can assure you, this is guaranteed.

    Through my experiences on this site, I have seen this very thing happen in the past to which one user seems to gain a lot of attention (which is usually their intent) through toxicity and drama to which groups of regular known users of this community will almost always respond by taking action, sometimes through unity, in efforts to try to put an end to drama. Or at least through downvotes and reports, bringing altercations, such as this, to the attention of staff members and representatives of this site.

    Taking a look at yourself, no matter what anyone else says or conducts themselves (they are responsible for their own actions); is it really worth all this? I believe you are passionate to your view of the subject matter that should be debated. There are just better ways to go about educating or informing people of what you may know through your own education or experience. Staying cool and calm will very much be efficient to get a point across or to spread the information you wish. For those who choose not to listen, why bother? It's definitely not worth the stress. This is the internet, this is only a chat site. Nothing to get worked up over. :) I humbly ask that you please enjoy yourself more and not worry so much over anyone else. It's a far more desirable experience without the unnecessary stress. 👍 Hope this helped in some way!

    Take care! :wave:

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