• @a-lost-girl maybe you

  • Gamers

    @a-lost-girl Yeah...isn't it obvious from your chat name...LMAO

  • @Ash005 Don't rush your learning process. When it's right, you'll know.. Good things take time.

  • @kaia_ what good things? also, i don't want to learn how to play online ... i just want to know how u play online ... u can DM me if u cant tell it here ... it is on u tho if u can tell here then tell

  • Gamers

    @kaia_ oo is that so?
    Okay no offense, but are u implementing this theory with everyone you follow here ?
    I mean how many of them do u know who are genuine, and how many are you friends with outside TWS?

    May b it's none of my business, but just for the sake of the argument here...LOL

  • Gamers

    @Ash005 please enlighten me too, if you get the coaching in "HOW TO PLAY ONLINE"

  • @SJo haha LMAO

  • @SJo @Ash005 😂😂 Oh my! Case dismissed.

  • @kaia_ Thanks for all those replies and suggestions ... Case Dismissed !haha

  • Gamers

    @kaia_ @Ash005 Hehe...I knew it, so hence proved that there's no coaching classes for "HOW TO PLAY ONLINE".
    I was seriously looking forward for that class....just kidding. LMFAO

    Really, nice talking to you guys and thanks for your opinions on this subject.
    Please feel free to chat/post anything if you got any other topics where we can debate on.

  • @Ash005 I'm well and truly in the same corner as @kaia_ here. I quite often get asked why I care about strangers so much. I always ask them back, why WOULDN'T I care? I've never had anyone be able to answer me that.

    I find it sad when people find online connections purely superfluous. When you reach out and support someone, or they offer you support and and help to you if you should need it, how is that not productive? If we nurtured our relationships with strangers and shared our wisdom and compassion instead of being dismissive and viewing each other as "ships that pass in the night", would that not help us all grow/flourish and then in turn our society?

    I'm delighted for you that you have parents who are constantly there, but you only need to look around some of the threads on this very site to realise how naïve a position it is to think it is the case for everybody. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb; some people are crying out for a friendly ear from a stranger simply because they do not have love at home and have not been shown kindness in the real world.

    I am not suggesting friendships made online are meant to last forever; I believe in people coming into our lives when we need them, some stay, some go. I'd ask how many real world connections last a lifetime? People who have grown up together often drift apart. I don't think a lack of visual/audio/physical contact is an obstacle to friendship or to the simple capacity in one's heart to care. It's all about intent and the effort you are prepared to make.

  • Gamers

    @Matt_Aranha Yeah bro, your perspective is true...There are a lot of people who come to online friends, because they are denied friendship and relationships in real life.
    And I truly hope that everyone gets someone to talk to and be happy
    We were just saying that it's not practically possible always.
    But you just made it sound that it's possible...

  • @SJo I know... when you're surrounded by so many trolls and game players as floods some sites it can be hard. It takes a lot of effort to find the connections that make it worthwhile, and for a lot that just isn't worth it. It doesn't help either when as I think @Ash005 was suggesting, people appear to get close then let you down because they're only pretending to care, they're only here for passing acquaintances or for what they can get out of others.

    The way I've always viewed it, arithmetic and logic alone says there must be good people online who I can be real, compatible friends with. It's just a matter of numbers whether I find them or not and how long it takes (and whether I give up before I find them 😂).

    But I do find some. I hope in time you do too.

  • @Matt_Aranha is it like keep searching for good people ?

  • @Ash005 Very much, I think so.

    The other online community I'm on, there are some real aggressive nasty types on there. Disrespectful and far more perverse than anything you see here. They make a lot of noise and often scare new members away. But the heart of the community is beautiful, loyal, caring, welcoming and supportive. It's a case of finding your tribe, the people who speak to your heart, who share your values - it just means that we often have to wade through a lot of chaff to find them.

  • @Matt_Aranha but what is the gurantee that they really care about someone ?

  • @Ash005 What is the guarantee someone in your "real life" does? 🤔🤷‍♂️

    If you care, if I care, others must too. You can never prove it on or offline. You can only decide who is worth taking the chance on.

  • @Matt_Aranha You've got all the right words. Positive feelings after your saying, everybody's cheered, I think.

  • yea dude u r right, we talk to each other on public chats and have fun..but i also think when we talk to the same group of people everyday then it feels like they r our good frnds who are givin their time to have a covrsation with us , it feels like a family then . a family of those good people who were the strangers back then but now when come here we hope to hve a convrsation with those fgood people agian or to make new frnds to make this family big . If i talk about myself ,I joined this tws a week ago and i didn't know any of u guys then..and 5 days later I'm the part of 2 best groups here ..i always enjoy when i come here ..my very good frnds @KATIEVERNOLA , @SJo @Warm-Masala-Chai @Ash005 ( @allison ¿¿) @Xin_Ling @CruWaRKi @Sassygirl :joy: guys i can say now that Ï CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE I TALK TO HERE ..THANK U GUYS

  • Gamers

    @Avihere Thanx dude...i care for u too bro...LOL