Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home

  • @Rissa_TheBest i do not understands
    what is the i doings? i is justs sayings ifs you knows what angels ares nths more :))))

  • @Karenluvsjesus yes I know and I do understand what angels are.

  • @Rissa_TheBest suicidal ppl ARE NOT angels. i agree with @sup

  • @Karenluvsjesus okay, you have your opinion, and I have mine/

  • @Rissa_TheBest ffs u just don't know what angels smhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • @Karenluvsjesus Ok, I understand what your saying

  • LurkersForLife

  • LurkersForLife

  • LurkersForLife

  • LurkersForLife

  • LurkersForLife

  • LurkersForLife

    Sorry about the music overload...again...

  • sin to kys tho, angels sin?

  • LurkersForLife

    @AllAboutGay Interesting

  • I don't think it's right to call suicidal people "Angels", they are not angels, they are sick. Calling them angels is pushing a positive narrative on the idea of suicide, like it's some kind of teenage romance movie, in contrast to the idea of your post. The problem I have with these kinds of posts is that they unknowingly Romanticize the notion of death.
    There's a clear line between emotional and clinical depression. I'm not doubting your credibility, i would just like to point out to some people and to you that it may not be clinically depressed. Maybe all of you are just is salty that your mommy yelled at you, that your crush doesn't look your way cause he thinks your fat, or that your friends talk behind your back because they themselves are insecure about themselves.

    I myself have been on some tough spots; before, everytime I laugh or even had a hint of fun with my friends a lingering voice in my head tells me how none of it matters since we're all just gonna graduate and forget about each other, and that nothing I or anyone does matters since we're all gonna die on the long run. I used to have anxiety attacks at night when I think about the future, bad enough to make me wanna cry and punch a wall. I would even have these real thoughts of stabbing myself with a big ass knife as I wash the dishes (not the self destructive thoughts like "I wonder what would happen if i stabbed myself" but thoughts like "Should I stab myself right here and now or not"). Then one day I just thought fuck it, just because it doesn't matter doesn't mean i should ruin myself with these thoughts. I'll die one day but I started not caring.

    I'm not hating on you for speaking out or anything, I just hate the idea of people jumping straight to "I'm suicidal" without having to experience the real hardships of depression like some people seriously have. I hate it since I once thought Suicidal people are "Angels" too, I liked the idea of calling myself an angel but that was just a way to make me feel special during my predicament. Depression is a serious mental condition and it isn't right to brand it as some kind of positively romanticized movie. Don't think of them as Angels cause they're not.

  • @Jinn_Tan mhm very interesting, now here's the thing, I respect your opinion, I really do, but did you even wonder that I was using it as a metaphor or something (I wasn't tbh) But thank you for your.... Um whatever you call that...

  • Hurting people is fine. Human need a pressing relationship in their lifetime. Just be clear that you hurt them intentionally, that way you understand what at stake.

  • @Rissa_TheBest Greetings rissa Ur the best , Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home , Home ha which home is that ?? Please explain me in some sense..
    Some are suicidal !! Yes I do agree indeed some are , also I apreciate it, we as human have awareness or Conscious to kill ourself which no other being have that choice to depart for thier form ..
    I will respect and surrender to a fellow who killed himself with out likes and dislikes or with out any agenda, basically without any attachments!!

    ok just an idea to keep loves ones brain to make some sense , because you do not have answer for it !! Well good as it is in word sounds amazing.. but no sense to me !!

    Everyone has their own perspective in life, mine is "Life,
    is learning, and repeated doing same mistake again that's not life it's a reason to the self not to be capable for yourself to learn ..or move on !!

    So let go move on .. consider as a bad dream or hard lesson, I know hard lesson is knowledge , fast one !! Not like borrowed knowledge.. so rock bottom naked wrecked is good to be, only temporary moment once we gain knowledge it's done ..
    beliveing in your own lies and manipulating your brain as universal truth as you feel now please don't yeah, it's not for ever .. now only exist.. u can change a lot if you understand the power of Now!!