• @kaia_ well what you said is right, after attaining the velocity beyond the speed of light ,mass could be as lighter as photon particles.
    Now this is what the theory gives us. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass rises precipitously. If an object tries to travel 186,000 miles per second, its mass becomes infinite, and so does the energy required to move it.
    Now why i used two separate terms ( "velocity & speed"), here i wanna state the direction in terms of space. There is no such thing as direction with the time.
    So what exactly happens when we attain velocity beyond the speed of light,we might be able to move faster where objects could be visualised earlier what it might be visualised in future. That's bcz you're reaching at some point b4 light.
    Even tho what we said is completely hypothetical, actually it can't even fits enough to be called as hypothesis yet.

  • I would time travel back to see my uncle again just for the last time and say my bit before he died in 2008

  • @Bill-Dhivid Thank you :)
    @nicksthename Howโ€™s that? Luckily we arenโ€™t even close to have the technology to do that, because the antimatter explosion will annihilate the earth

  • @kitkattohelp sorry to hear that,but may be you can still do it partially, physically he might not be able to listen, may be he just disappeared to another dimension. The materialistic form disappeared not the energy, Just find a perfect time to convey it to him and do your part.
    I know how it sounds but it's upto you.

  • @Lazz there is no now ,only a tomorrow[the now we have just said is in past as soon as we say it.

  • @Max256 I agree. This has been brought up in the past. There are those who strive to "live in the NOW" but it never really is NOW.
