Try listening to the angry cat call of a lynx or the popping of grizzlies teeth when they're pissed
Share your fav music! (Any genre is fine)
Share your favorite music / playlist, Imma listen to it. I'll share mine.
I think that can count like a playlist lol -
Pretty much everything I listen to, might stumble with something you like -
@MartinR thanks. Will listen to it. As a token, listen to ttcl by loise. Don't have the link but tryyy it.
@laba hey there how are you today
@Vampire_Isaac quite good.and u
@laba good can you follow me please
@Vampire_Isaac ok. it cost nothing
@laba its good
House Music!
Blinding lights-the weeknd
@Popo-Mamik that's a great song
@Ziah_99 "coming home"- by nameless