• its strange for me because i like both genders in different ways. weird -- just explain down here what makes you like them because im interested.

  • You are weird indeed.

  • @Rebellious I like a good personality someone that can be cool to hang out with like a friend to share stuff with and just communicate with each other looks are good but if that's all ya got then the relationships not much to be excited about because then people are just another object something you want to look at but if ya can get both then that's great but people are so shallow now days its terrible to pass some one because that's all most people see even in just a friendship people are so judgemental.

  • @levi0000 I am not reading all of that.

  • @Orin-Lusterdxo
    Mutual desperation
    Bonding through disaster
    Common interests

    Like someone not attraction

  • Orin I would like to chat with you privately if I may please. Would you be so kind as to send me a message?

  • Biological inclination

  • @Rebellious lol just hit reply and wrote didn't even look to who but hey uknow how it is

  • their intellect โ™ก

  • The way they think

  • riddle me this. i am a straight man. but , like every other guy, i LOVE watching 2 hot women going at it ! if i see 2 guys doing the same i would ask for a bucket to puke in. why?

  • @mikeJB
    You answered yourself Mike you are a straight man there for you like women.
    Besides that some things are beautiful.......
    And I will leave it at that

  • @wet-teri another riddle is this. i am not homophobe. dont hit on me and you can do whatever you want. ill fight for that right for you but i DONT have to like it MYSELF. anyway, why are there 2 types of gays and lesbians? you have the hot as fuck lezzes in porn tribbin all over each other like lauren phoneix vs tory lane, you then have the dykes that look like men in bars . known as the butches. gays you have the same thing in men. the pansies and the juas priest types. someone explain that

  • @mikeJB
    Hormonal imbalance and self-perception the ego the id how one sees themselves
    And then there is plain ole preference.

    FYI I'm not gay or bi. I'm straight. A lesbian stuck in a man's body

  • I am attracted to girls and for me, it's always been three things that I find most attractive.

    1: General Facial Features

    2: Hair

    3: Eyes

    As for what I like in a person, general and simple kindness also goes a long way with me, I don't always feel nice but I do try my best haha. The way I look at it, people having and showing simple kindness is rare it seems in today's society so treat others the way you wish to be treated I say.

    It's a cliche I suppose but I don't care much for the body shape of a woman. Of course, I have preferences like just about everyone but in general, I simply like what I like and don't apply a label to what I find attractive.

  • @Connor-Fits
    While I cannot speak for the person that started this thread it does ask what makes you like not what attracts you to.
    Although I suppose you could be superficial enough to like someone for their eyes for instance.
    I was kind of being aloof with my reply but the basics are still there. I answered the reasons why I would like someone not why I would be attracted to them.
    I really don't know what question they were asking cuz the term like could possibly mean attracts.
    and for me what attracts me to a person depends upon the person sometimes it's looks sometimes as mannerisms sometimes it's what they're doing sometimes it's how they're doing what they were doing it all depends on the circumstances and the person.
    As a quick for instance a beautiful redhead that is my ex-wife number 2 was standing at a jukebox I gave her $5 bill and ask her to play some music she asked me what I wanted to hear I told her surprise me.
    She played music that I like 80 or 90% anyways and we talked for the rest of the evening which was much more important than music. Sadly we were only together 6 years but that was long enough to realize that we were two completely different people with separate goals in life. I liked her for her spontaneity and her taste in music. I was attracted to her because she had a nice ass and flaming red hair.

  • I like anyone and everyone who's like me!

  • @wet-teri

    Perhaps It wasn't obvious, but I did indeed address both possible meanings to the question asked.

    I spoke about what I found attractive and what makes me like a person.

    Please re-read below in reference to what I like about a person.

    "As for what I like in a person, general and simple kindness also goes a long way with me, I don't always feel nice but I do try my best haha. The way I look at it, people having and showing simple kindness is rare it seems in today's society so treat others the way you wish to be treated I say."

    Also, I agree about your overall point. Looks have nothing to do with a connection you might have with a person.

  • @mikeJB so you dont like even appreciate a good looking guy, because i can appreciate a good looking woman. im still straight though

  • @FangYuan cool :p
