• ♡ soul searchers ♡

    Post your phrase here and let's find out if it stands up to public opinion. I will start with this one.

    Treat a lady like a whore and,
    Treat a whore like a lady.

    Any truth to it? As far as I have been able to tell, I would have to say yes. It seems the nicer I am and the better I treat them the worse luck I have in women. While when I am uninterested and ignore them they won't leave me alone.

  • @Div
    I have a lot of respect for what you said but the saying that I put up there if that is what you're referring to is just a old saying referring to how you should treat a woman.
    It has been my experience that it is relatively true not completely but to an extent true the better I treat a woman it seems that the less she respects me and what I am doing women always seem to go for the men that mistreat them the ones that treat them right get left behind and trampled over I don't get it I never will but I find a lot of Truth in that saying.