• ok. anything? why is being transgender the new "in" thing? like the new cool thing to be? personally, i wont even acknolwdge it

  • Do you have a favorite go to snack when there isn't a decent meal in the house?

  • @Hedi okay, I’m an idiot and wrote the wrong answer back, but there’s an edit button so it’s fine.

    1- i don’t know this is hard! But the ones I click on in my car Rn is dance magic by David Bowie, from the movie Labyrinth and No shame by 5sos
    2- tbh probably stranger things... broke my heart, also Gotham, and titans, also the chilling adventure of Sabrina... and the seasons of the office (US) That I’ve seen. Also the Witcher
    3- here’s a hot take, it’s really not that hard to be a decent human.

  • @mikeJB being transgender isn’t the “in” thing. It’s just some people are born in the wrong body, and it has been a thing for forever, it’s just more people are becoming aware of what it is, and it’s being accepted more, or I hope so at least, everyone has their own opinion and that’s fine, but be respectful.

    And that’s on periodt!

  • @k_aria why yes, I do! When I get home late from work, or just can’t be bothered to make a proper meal I’ll usually just have hummus and crackers. We have a mandarin, tangelo, orange, pear, plum, and feijoa trees so when they’re ready I’ll have a munch on those too.

  • @No-Name-Yet is this what you wanted an honest opinion on😂

  • @Hiimbored
    That might define who they think they are but that doesn't necessarily truly define they.
    If a rocket scientist has red hair you could define him as a redhead, and while that might be true it is not necessarily the definition of who he is.

  • @wet-teri True but the benefit of living in this world is that we "get" to define define people however we want lol. I know ur old but I guess you havent been taught this lesson xD

  • You have always been able to do that and the results that become from the false definition have led to wars and other hatred.

  • @k_aria I've been waiting for FRIENDS to come up in the list or probably Breaking Bad, cus they're my favourite.
    Watched the Office and witcher and both are pretty good.
    My hot take is kind of the opposite of yours, I think being a good person is hard especially when you have to react to some of the stuff that happens, I've been in situations where being nice is very difficult.

  • @Hedi oh how could I forget friends! Also my wife and kids banged and 8 simple rules! Okay, so we kind of agree on hot takes coz mine is directed towards people who are asses and go out of their way to be asses, they could be nice and everyone would be chill, because if people are rude to me to where they push my limits I will clap back