• @DibellaMara chat me

  • How do you like kick people as a moderator

  • Aw man yes

  • Music Lovers

    Hey guys, now you can reduce the volume/mute the user from interface directly. Just tap the 3 dots menu item and it will let you tweak there volume.




  • How can you do it (do it by rule list)

  • jiosdfjsoifusdoif

  • @Thales_BG there’s a voice chat???

  • hey, i wrote a plugin a while ago for pausing and playing users in the voice chatroom, it still works I think. You single click pause/play. And then double click to remove user aka the method described in this topic. I also wrote another version where it auto detects spammers, by people who come in with loud volumes over certain period of time etc,, the algorithm is a little more complicated. Basically if a spammer wants he can spam the room and the user or moderator is a lot of work to constantly kick new spammers, this plugin solves that through advanced algorithm. I can find it, I saved it somewhere. For now the regular plugin is ready to use. You use it through tampermonkey or greasemonkey browser extension. There is a way to incorporate it into the site itself, but that would mean access to the server code and site code, which I don't have. There is even a way I devised to display advertisements right on top of the voice chat user icons. I wanted to work with the developers to add some of these features, better advertisement serving possibly means more profit, etc, but I don't think they were interested. So here is the plugin for anyone to use. I even wrote a completely different voice chat platform, that works on mobile devices too without complicated instructions. It would need another developer who is more experienced with new javascript API before its ready for production level. I do have a working prototype, sample on my website. You can check out all that stuff at voicechatroom dot xyz. Cheers.

  • Music Lovers

    Mute the audio of spammers

    Update: 2 Aug 2020

    Can anyone update this topic that now if there are people spamming in the voice chatrooms, you guys can simply click on the three dots against that person user box, and lower its sound volume to 0, and then you will not listen to the voice of the spammers.

    Please see below screenshot for more info.


  • I have a real deal solution to dealing with spammers and mod hogs and increasing your advertisement revenue
    If you want to know about it, just respond here and I"ll link a pastebin. Basically it involves dynamic chat urls that change every 5-10 minutes and then advanced algorithim on users who visit your site, etc. You can supply userid unique for each user or the server does it automatically, all you have to do is ping the server every 10 seconds or so (the client) and it will return some neat data about if they are kicked, etc, they are a mod, and even the top rooms available, how many users online, etc, other dynamic data like if a user changes his user avatar, etc..

  • This post is deleted!

  • The design is based around dynamic chat urls: pastebin.com/raw/L1bCwezZ
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    .z {
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <title>test server for tws</title>
    //if users change name or change img url
    //it will update latest changes
    //if its blank, no changes
    // cur : { ide : {'name':'','img':''},
    // ide : {'name':'','img':''}
    // }

    var servername='tws1920';
    var info={};

    function parsethat() {
    //do stuff with info
    alert(info['newroom']); //comment this

    var controls = document.getElementById('modcontrols');
    if (controls.style.display == 'none' && info['ismod']) {


    function loadchat() {
    var frame = document.getElementById('jitsiConferenceFrame0');
    var chatide='';

    if (frame.src != null) {
       chatide = frame.src.split('.com/')[1].split('?')[0];
    if (chatide != info['newroom'] ) {
    if (Number(info['kicktime']) > 0 ) {
      //remove chatframe
      //show countdown until kick time over
      //if user knows jitsi URL they can still
      //technically get in, but it could change in 5-10 minutes
      // or whenver mod wants
         //ie: blocking spammers


    function getinfo(forcenew=0,kick='',call='') {
    var f = new FormData();
    f.append("name", username);
    f.append('kick',kick); //userid
    // f.append('call',call); //userid

                   //name of the room user is in
            f.append('forcenew',forcenew); //1 for forcenew
              //this forces everyone to load a new newname of chat
                      //possibly redistibute mod powers randomly
                          //if creator is not in room
                //server auto determines who has authorization to dothis
          // ie: whoever first is in room (creator) if they're still in it
                 //else whoever was there first
              //you cant abuse this, server is too smart
        xhr11 = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr11.open('POST', 'https://'+servername+'.pythonanywhere.com/tws');
        xhr11.onload = function() {
            if (xhr11.status === 200) {
                var zq = xhr11.responseText;
                if (zq!='-1') {
                  alert(zq); //comment this
                    info = JSON.parse(zq);
                  // use this info somewhere else
                    return true;
            else if (xhr11.status !== 200) {
               // alert('Request failed.  Returned status of ' + xhr11.status);
                  var dude = 'hi';

    //point of this server is to automate a spam free environment
    //also adding features like number of users online
    // which rooms people are chatting in
    //there are mod controls like kick and force new chat
    //HOWEVER, it is not necessary to use them
    //new_chats will load automatically as dictated by server
    //every 5-10 minutes
    //automatically blocking spammers and mod hogs
    //this is automatic

        //if a person is kicked, they will load a different room
          //than the people who are not kicked
        //they will not know whether they are kicked or not
             //and have the opportunity to talk with other people
              //while they their kicktime happens
         //later i will emply different types of kicks available
         //ie: kid kick, if a person is underage, then they all get pooled into an underage room
         //spam kick, all spammers get sent to their own room where they cant spam anyone
    //for custom control, mods can kick users &
       //load new room by force

    //at MINIMUM, all u have to do is change iframe.src behavior
    //on parsing info json, user names, images, other things
    //are there for later development

    var username=''; //can be blank

    var userimg = ''; //can be blank
    var userid=''; //can supply or leave blank
    //know what you're doing if u supply this
    //that means YOU identify useride instead of server
    //easier to let server manage it
    //or not your choice
    var roomname='the room name';

    getinfo(); //on first load

    // getinfo(1); //force new room ide
    //ie: on a (load new room) button
    //for moderator

    //setInterval(getinfo,15000); //every 15 seconds
    //integral that this is used
    //to update info for all users


    <div class="z" style="display:none;" id="modcontrols">
    <b>mod controls</b><br>
    <span onclick="getinfo(1)">force load new chat</span><br>
    <div id="kickarea">loop through info['cur']<br>
    show name/img, then onclick to getinfo(kick=ide)</div>


  • sry delete

  • Yes, please delete, we are not in need of web developers, but rather real ones.

  • It's a working solution, do you have a question about it? Do you understand it?

  • .....nmaq

  • I agree with that guy, dont fix anything. Where am i going to go to spam?

  • nmkzksggst

  • @NathanOnFire rip the tongue out

  • @Vietnameses temporally it works also expensive so ripping a tongue off is better .. if you don't want to get caught lots of idea, in Vietnam there r beautiful jungles whereot of wild animals and pyrhon exist also active land mines so rest get a wild imagination .. lovely
