• @gr3tt3l @WHOAMI check my recent topic about god

  • @alwaysstranger you too much false arguments will never make it correct if your logic is not right. Become a Muslim again

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you too much false arguments will never make it correct if your logic is not right. Become a Muslim again


  • @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet

  • @alwaysstranger i might say i'm not good in logic, but i wont agree on you that scientifically God doesn't exist with your stupid proof. neither about revolution of man. just because we dont see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist bro. u was muslim before i dont think if you took enough time to study about islam, existence of God and many thing concerning about this. make some research on this first, science prove NOTHING!!!!!!!! i dnt see a reason of debating as long as u keep on talking about scientific proof.

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet


  • ... So what if god exist ? So what if he don't ?
    if we follow the principles of catholicism where they say that "God" left humans with free will.
    And if we see the effects... in one side there's people that will say that he abandonned them.
    in the other side there's people that say that god is everywere.
    in the third side there's people that say, if he gave us free will why would he need to do something for us ?
    it's like the parents that kick the kid out of the nest. They don't help unless you really need it, and unless they really love you.

    But at least if god exist then he's thrustworthy because he let us do what we wanna do.

    If god Exist... bah yes if we follow the phylosophical principles of a guy that i forgot the name since i didn't care about him that said :( If something is the though of many, then that thing, in some point in time, existed, exist or will exist. If someone could come up with the idea of something called "GOD" then that mean that this "GOD" exist. ) then he said : And if you don't believe me, then open your dictionnary to the letter G, and find God in there, it exist. As a word, As an idea, And in the form of 3 letters of Ink of the weigth of less than one gramm. At least if someone ask you if GOD exist, then you know that he do. Even if it's not the form of what they though.

  • @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet


  • @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet


  • @ragnar-lothbrok

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger i might say i'm not good in logic

    I totally agree

    but i wont agree on you that scientifically God doesn't exist with your stupid proof. neither about revolution of man.

    "Tje good thing about Science is that it's true if you believe in it or not"- Neil DeGrasse Tyson

    just because we dont see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist bro. u was muslim before i dont think if you took enough time to study about islam, existence of God and many thing concerning about this. make some research on this first, science prove NOTHING!!!!!!!! i dnt see a reason of debating as long as u keep on talking about scientific proof

    @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    No one can prove, using logic, that something or someone that’s invisible doesn’t exist. That’s because it would require absolute knowledge.
    and no one has absolute knowledge exept God him self.

    1st i already debated you how stupid that "god is al knowing" thing is and you seemed to have surrendered here:


    2nd let me explain to you how this works:

    "Guy 1: "There is a flying a giant flying spaghetti monster that created the universe"

    Guy 2: "can you prove it"

    Guy 1: "No"

    Guy 2: "Well i don't believe you then"

    Guy 1: "why don't you believe in the flying spaghetti monster"

    Guy 2: "You came up with it, why should i? Until you prove it then i won't believe it"

    So Guy 1 has to prove that there's a Flying Spaghetti Monster but Guy 2 doesn't have to prove that there isn't a flying Spaghetti monster.

    Now change "flying spaghetti monster" with "god"

    Please stop repeating the same shit or I'll just start ignoring what you say

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet



    What a fucking joke

  • @alwaysstranger dude i wont agree with you anymore. ill just advice you try to do some more research on existence of God on Islam.

  • @alwaysstranger im out ( Ν‘Β°ΔΉΜ― Ν‘Β° )

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger dude i wont agree with you anymore. ill just advice you try to do some more research on existence of God on Islam.

    I'M AN EX-MUSLIM which means i knew as much as you about islam when i used to be muslim and then i had to learn more than you to realise that it's all bullshit and become an atheist

  • @sephiroth-almagnata said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    ... So what if god exist ? So what if he don't ?
    if we follow the principles of catholicism where they say that "God" left humans with free will.

    First, what's the matter about existance of God? well that is quiet an important substance. that touch a scope of; a. meaning of life (a philosophic about life), b. science advances, c. earth's demographic, and d. geopolitical situation (since some powerful and minor country hold a system of government theocracy such as middle eastern country e.g. Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc, ask what happen if their God is a false God or is not exist, it could affect their nation stabilities including economic, social, culture, etc).
    Second, you can't force other religion to adopt catholicism teaching, since an Abrahamic religion is a fixed teaching, for instance Islam and Juden. But maybe other religion could adopt catholicism dogma such as buddhism, confucianism, etc (an atheist religion which is a philosophical religion).

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger im out ( Ν‘Β°ΔΉΜ― Ν‘Β° )


    Here's the last time i won:


  • @mockingbird Now that i won against the Muslim let's debate you, Christian. Tell me 1st

    Do you believe that god is all knowing?

  • @alwaysstranger where u born as muslim or??? if you were born as a muslim i think u are such an idiot to become EX-MUSLIM, like for real after all your research the best answer u came up with is that islamic is bullshit and God doesnt exist??. thats stupid!

  • @alwaysstranger verdammt! why you pick me up, burn in hell! lol just kidding mate. ok, my family teaches me that God is all knowing, and by lack of sources i guess i believe that God is all knowing lol. Sieg Heil!

  • @ragnar-lothbrok

    @alwaysstranger where u born as muslim or??? if you were born as a muslim i think u are such an idiot to become EX-MUSLIM, like for real after all your research the best answer u came up with is that islamic is bullshit and God doesnt exist??. thats stupid!

    oh wow. Your best argument is "that's stupid". Wow I'm so impressed. I'm totally gonna go back to islam now (JK of course)
