• @ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    😂😂😂 I’m not a boy I’m a girl

    Oh you deleted your account. Ok bye bye

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @love_to_love_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Hey I agree there is no Scientific proof that God is real but I have to say there is the Bible so christians might have that as their proof

    The book is evidence for the existence god like the harry potter books are proof for the existence of Hoggwarts

  • @thestrangest
    That is true yeah I agree but thats part of our religion 😂😊.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @love_to_love_ "our religion"? So you're christian

  • Look whoz talking. @TheStrangest

    Stop deleting ur accounts

  • @girlnextdoor said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Look whoz talking. @TheStrangest

    Stop deleting ur accounts

    I had good reasons to do so. Anyways isn't Ragror still mod. @TalkWithStranger should be ashamed with how they're running the site

  • @thestrangest said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @love_to_love_ "our religion"? So you're christian


    I wrote "out religion". I meant "our religion"

  • @thestrangest
    Yeah but I’m nothing like grace also known as kdkids the one who acts like she is the boss of every one

  • @thestrangest
    Haha true 😂

  • @thestrangest
    Oh haha 😂

  • @love_to_love_ good to hear that

  • @love_to_love_ if you acknowledge that there is no proof then why do you believe

  • @thestrangest
    Um yeah I guess

  • @thestrangest
    My dad

  • @love_to_love_ je so the reason why you believe is "my dad". What? Do you believe everything your dad believes?

  • @thestrangest
    Well It’s hard to explain i trust in god also so I part to him every night and my dad say that god has a plan for all
    Of us and gods plan is working I think

  • @love_to_love_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Well It’s hard to explain i trust in god also so I part to him every night and my dad say that god has a plan for all


    You pray?

    Of us and gods plan is working I think

    It doesn't matter what you think. I want to know if you can give me good reasons for your belief


  • @thestrangest
    He has a plan

  • I wish to simply say that there are some certain theories about the existence of an omnipotent being that watches over us. Most of them some of you would have probably heard already. However, in my opinion i believe that there shouldn't be a god and if there is one then it is a sick fucker. If god is real then murder is okay as some could argue that since everything happens because of god's plan then when murder happens it;s fine as it's apart of god's plans. One of your most family member dies in a cruel, heartless way, don't be sad. God needed that person to die. That would also mean that Hitler was apart of god's plan. Here is what im trying to say; if god doesn't exist then the stuff we have done to ourselves and others; the reasons that we justified them by, is of our own doing. If a form of god exists(Not bias on any religion, you may believe what you want to believe) then every sin, every act of evil, murder, suicides are all part of his plan. I for one hope that god doesn't exist but if he/she/them/it (Again not bias) then i hope he/she/them/it has a good reason.

  • @cameron15m
    Sin isn’t apart of gods plan that’s the devil the devil is the one who kills any kind of good in your life.God uses all the bad things in your life and makes them into good things like for example: if your girlfriend died and you can’t get over the pain you bump into a pretty girl she helps you push through and you fall in love and maybe get married. That is god I bet you know the story of marry and baby Jesus. Marry had Jesus and he died on the cross so we could connect to him again. Baby Jesus was god in human flesh he wanted to go through all the pain that we went through because he loves us now that’s a good god. The devil on the other hand comes only when your at your worst or when life is bad. He used to be one of God’s angels and he thought he was better or more powerful than god and he turned into the devil also known as the father of lies or lord of lies. God has been though what you what we all have been through, he has suffered like we have, he has been tempted like we have. He know it all and for that I trust him. If god didn’t love us he wouldn’t have died for us. And that is why I love him and trust him.😊
