• @luna-14 God is often related to ones soul. It is said in Hindu Bible that the body is mortal yet the soul is immortal. So, if you see God in other people it would be because of their graciousness and your understanding and your acceptance. This is not 100% accurate

  • @anonymoususer05 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    There are many phenomenon that cannot be explained by science yet. We all need something to believe in.

    šŸ˜„ not true. A skeptic(which is what most atheists are) only believes things for which there is evidence

    The people who believe in God also believe in words like faith, believe, good karma. Also, the meaning of God should not be bounded by any religion.

    1st Skeptics don't believe in words like faith or karma unless they are defining them differently from other people. Since 'faith' means a belief without evidence i don't need to explain why Skeptics don't believe stuff on faith. Since 'karma' means the uncoincidental punishment for someone who did something wrong, Well Skeptics would only use the word if they meant that the pain/strain was coincidental and not a uncouincedental punishment.

    2nd the more broader the word "god" is defined then the more useless it becomes. One of the funniest things about theists is that they sometimes get surprised when someone doesn't believe in a god/gods but when asked they can hardly define what a god is/gods are.

    I do agree that the word god can be used in a spiritual sense to mean "the universe" as in saying "meditate and be one with god"="meditate and be one with the universe" but i find that replacing the word 'universe' by 'god' to be useless and a waste of time.

  • @alwaysstranger ur logically sound argument??are u kidding me...u r the most retarded person i have ever come across..u just love pestring people..u have got no respect or consideration for others belief system or faiths...
    u think worshipping satan or being an atheist is the correct way to go about life...and i have never lifted a finger pointing at you...because sadly...what you do in ur life..is well madeup by the limitations of your brain...and ur upbringing and ur stupid arabic culture.

    and i would really love if u never came back to this site ever with ur ignorance and feeble mindedness..u childish monkey...o sorry that would be insulting monkeys....so u ....whatever u r....stay away from this site..and ill be grateful

    p.s. the points..and the videos and the lectures u quote and cite..they are long and and full of stupidity...and i consider the time i wasted on them as wasted time...because its full of bullshits..dumb heads like you quoting over and over the same facts and trying to proove God doesnt exist ..we r all slaves..and rubbishness...

    u wanna be an arrogant illogical ignorant rude and make a mockery of others and their belief sytem....stay out of public sites.....and literally box urself and ask someone to drop u in the middle of the occean..or ring me up ill do it....

  • @topics27 i dont personally believe that he is real, I've never had. I grew up in a strictly Christian household, and forced to go to church. I never understood what went on in church, because to me it didn't make sense. I didn't believe the part where a guy created all life on earth, that sounded pretty ridiculous to me. I told my grandma that and she just got mad and told me that what the church says is true. But i Never believed. I was the only one in my family who didn't get baptized. But I don't talk to my family anymore since I'm openly transgender, they didn't want anything to do with me.

  • @khaleezi91 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ur logically sound argument??are u kidding me...u r the most retarded person i have ever come across..u just love pestring people..u have got no respect or consideration for others belief system or faiths...

    1st. I know i should stop doing this too but :

    2nd i respect you too much to respect your idiotic beliefs

    u think worshipping satan or being an atheist is the correct way to go about life...

    Well. Satan doesn't exist. Even satanists don't believe satan exists. You really need some education on satanism

    and i have never lifted a finger pointing at you...

    Oh you did. You called ne stupid, retarded, irrational... hundreds of times and you've been doing it for a pretty long time

    because sadly...what you do in ur life..is well madeup by the limitations of your brain...

    I agree but why is that sad. All living things are limited

    and ur upbringing and ur stupid arabic culture.

    I'm very cultivated. I speak 4 languages and learning 2 more right now. Aren't you Arabic too?

    and i would really love if u never came back to this site ever with ur ignorance and feeble mindedness..u childish monkey...o sorry that would be insulting monkeys....so u ....whatever u r....stay away from this site..and ill be grateful

    I am gonna stay away from this site but let ne educate you a lil' more. Humans are biologically classified as apes... grand apes infact just like gorillas.

    p.s. the points..and the videos and the lectures u quote and cite..they are long and and full of stupidity...

    Prove it.... oh wait you don't really know how to debunk stuff, you just call them names. Prove me right a bit more would ya

    and i consider the time i wasted on them as wasted time...because its full of bullshits..dumb heads like you quoting over and over the same facts and trying to proove God doesnt exist ..we r all slaves..and rubbishness...

    HAHAHA. 1st yup you are just saying they're stupid and not addressing them with arguments. I love it when people save me time to prove me right

    2nd you're welcome to stop reading what i say. Infact i have been asking you to ignore me for a while because i want to leave TWS

    3rd i never tried to prove god doesn't exist. That's not how this works. Jeez. You don't need to prove that unicorns don't exist. I am trying to prove that 1. There is no good reason to believe god/gods exist regardless if they do or not 2. Religion/the belief in god is harmful and cancer

    u wanna be an arrogant illogical ignorant rude and make a mockery of others and their belief sytem....

    Before you call me names. Spell "systems" correctly. You don't know how to debate. You just call my arguments/me names without actually addressing any points i made. I said this billions of times now but i think you love to continously prove ne right. Thank you

    stay out of public sites.....

    I don't take orders from religious ignoramuses

    and literally box urself and ask someone to drop u in the middle of the occean..or ring me up ill do it....

    I don't feel like it

  • @bouncykangaroo said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @topics27 i dont personally believe that he is real, I've never had. I grew up in a strictly Christian household, and forced to go to church. I never understood what went on in church, because to me it didn't make sense. I didn't believe the part where a guy created all life on earth, that sounded pretty ridiculous to me. I told my grandma that and she just got mad and told me that what the church says is true. But i Never believed. I was the only one in my family who didn't get baptized. But I don't talk to my family anymore since I'm openly transgender, they didn't want anything to do with me.

    Be you man. Be you

  • @alwaysstranger you know what im not even going to read what u wrote..u stupidy babbly bibbly boooo...go die for all i care...

  • I don't feel like dying. The fact that you don't have anything productive to say and can't counter argument anything i said and just call me stupid is pretty satisfying

  • And by the way. I don't care about what you care or don't care about

  • @alwaysstranger she deleted her account @AlwaysStranger so you can stop.

  • By the way. You can at least watch the 2 vids i linked if you want

  • @lucifer_ really. How do you do that?

  • @TalkWithStranger presents a new feature.
    "Delete your account."
    you are fed up of some people and want to go away and never come back, just delete your account.
    you can find it in the 3 blue dots and edit option.

  • @lucifer_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger she deleted her account @AlwaysStranger so you can stop.

    Good to know but how

  • @lucifer_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @TalkWithStranger presents a new feature.
    "Delete your account."
    you are fed up of some people and want to go away and never come back, just delete your account.
    you can find it in the 3 blue dots and edit option.

    Oh. Great

  • @lucifer_ do your posts get deleted as well?

  • God is definitely real. Nthn better in the world to have a relationship with him. Repent and BELIEVE in Jesus so u can be saved. God forgives. Im a witness

  • @alwaysstranger you vanish after that, nothing exists.

  • @one4me said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    God is definitely real.

    Prove it

    Nthn better in the world to have a relationship with him. Repent and BELIEVE in Jesus so u can be saved. God forgives. Im a witness

    Personal experience is indistinguishable from madness

  • @lucifer_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you vanish after that, nothing exists.

    Really. All your posts and stuff are gone?