Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @alwaysstranger Exactly! You can't escape the fact that even though there are verses in the quran about peace, there are also a lot of violence, misogyny, homophobia ...
    You can't say that somebody's misinterpreting them because they explicitly state to kill infidels and instruct the man on how to beat his wife ...
    And let's not forget about the total deviation from science, starting from Adam and Eve to Noah to the moon splitting and countless other examples that completely break the laws of physics

  • @ohjay totally agree

  • @ohjay the verses in Quran may seem violent to you but they are not voilant, we find them voilant because we don't understand their true meanings and we mid interpret them.

    For e.g the punishment of rape in iQuran is Death penalty. Which may seem voilant but it is 100% logical.

    Watch this video for explanation why raper should be dead. Please watch this.

    Similarly there r many other violent verses but theybhave a reason. Islam teaches peace only and refrains from doing bad things.

  • Music Lovers

    All of the major religions Judiasim, Christianity, and Islam originated to complete the same task, which is act as a reminder to people that there is a higher power that created everything including them and thay they have a greater purpose in their lifetimes then getting caught up in the material aspects of life. Reality of the fact is its been thousands of years since the beggining of these religons and while all started pure and untampered with humans have over time corrupted each one with their own views in an attempt to gain power over the masses. No religon represents terrorrism its the people claiming to follow the religon that represent terrorism. And as for the textual verses of violence is pretty pointless because anyone who has read the bible or the torah would now that they all have similar passages which talks about violence but it isnt to be misunderstood and taken as kill whoever disagrees with you. Religon now has become just a form of enslavement of mankind in which the so called "holy" people tell everyone else what to do and believe. People have to reclaim their ability to think for themselves and understand the seeds of deception that have been sowed into all these religons that were brought about to acheieve the same goal.

  • @emily hi 5 emily .thats why i like u ^^

  • not at all people are violent

  • @ohjay You are right on somethings that Islam does say to kill infodels who harm your religion or your faith Islam is peaceful to the peaceful and hard towards those who deserve it there is violence in Iskam completely agreed

  • @shaddy said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @ohjay You are right on somethings that Islam does say to kill infodels who harm your religion or your faith Islam is peaceful to the peaceful and hard towards those who deserve it there is violence in Iskam completely agreed

    So you do agree that there is violence in Islam but yet you still say it's a peaceful religion. Logic 10/10

  • @muslim i can see so much hate in the chat and from that i can understand how blind these people are. They are so busy hating things, i hope they didn't forgot how to love things. They think they have learned what was in Islam but they never consulted with the context. They are trying so hard to show how much hate they have. I would say media have done there work perfectly on them

  • @zoobie said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @muslim i can see so much hate in the chat and from that i can understand how blind these people are. They are so busy hating things, i hope they didn't forgot how to love things. They think they have learned what was in Islam but they never consulted with the context. They are trying so hard to show how much hate they have. I would say media have done there work perfectly on them

    If you go down and read some of the things @muslim had said you wouldn't be saying dis

  • I m also agree with Emily.and I have a Quistion from her.r u muslem?

  • and also I ve red some chats which they tould .they r from surya and muslem.God blees them.I m an Iranian and I can understand what do they mean.cause the war is close to us and there is no conection betwen trrorism and Islam

  • I like to have a frindly chat with u Emily I also follow u so please follow me then we can talk .dont forget.I become happy to chat with u cause I ve seen that u wrote u r muslem and it s a honner to talk to u

  • @jacal said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    there is no conection betwen trrorism and Islam

    1st that's so much bullshit in just 8 words

    2nd I'm from syria

  • oh heck no.

  • what do u mean from 8 words?

  • @jacal count the number of words in that phrase

  • well for my wievpoint since the muslim call their cult islam then it's a religion.
    when before their "book of life" was the tutoriel to have a good life in the desert. it was twisted way too much after 1300 years i think. But if we go for the place and say it's terrorism... i guess it's both true.

    Since the "religion" did nothing to prevent the "Terrorism" from being born from their people. So it's both.
    but well as far i'm concerned even if we think of christianism, judaism, or even the jewish type of people... through history it's proved that the extremist of their religion are most likely the one to pull the trigger to do terrorism... it's like the good or evil... Since one exist, the other exist too. the more clean the good is, the harsher the evil is. In that way that would mean that the muslim people are pretty good in their life, execpt for the evil ones who do the worse.

    it's useless to throw the fault left and right, in the end the pople at fault are : All those who know about someone who will do something, but do nothing to prevent it. and it's the same for everything.

    and it's the fault of the weakminded for being brainwashed too. It would be better for them to play video games though.

  • No religion is a religion of terrorism. ISIS and its affiliates are kharijites[1]. they adore their leader, abu al baghdadi, as a divine "imam" or even "second to the prophet".
    everything they act upon is all transgressed[2]. like, destroying artifacts, judging and leading on every women and man, no merciful talk, and ignorance.
    The prophet (saw) prophesied these people and that we are all to fight them.[3]
    ISIS will kill a non muslim simply for being a infidel which goes directly against the quranic teachings.[4]


  • Of course it is
