Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @loren9 hahaha. Good one

  • @loren9 spend 2h reading through this topic and you'll change your opinion in no time

  • @kendrobeast and here's everything you need to know about mother teresa so that you stop being angry at the genius of hitch.

  • @how-to-make-a I need no time to change my thoughts man, see I'm christian and what I know of Islam is simple enough to judge it worthy of respect brother!!!

  • @loren9 I'm an ex-muslim. I'm just telling you that if you read more comments here or at least had a short cut and read only my comments you'll change your opinion. I'm going to text you and show you how ridiculous Christianity is too, not just islam

  • It's a religion it's been one for a long time.

  • No, coz I have some close friends who are Muslims and they are changing in a good way. Seriously, I'm not lying. And they made me interested in Islam. #appericiate

  • @positivegirl I left the religion. Your friends don't tell you the fine print. Read the authors Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, Nonie Darwish, Walid Phares, Christopher Hitchens and check out the website of ex Muslims who will tell you the stuff people trying to revert you won't..

    The terrorism comes from the fact Muhammed divided the world into Dar al Harb (house of war/nonMuslims) and Dar al Islam (house of Islam) and he said to wage perpetual war (jihad) until the non-Muslims are subdued and they live in an apartheid state where non Muslims pay higer taxes (jizyah) and have fewer rights (dhimmitude). Sura 9:29 Most of the religion is political not spiritual. Of all the ideologies in the world - it has the lowest women's rights, lowest human rights, lowest freedom index. They lie and say Muhammed granted rights to women they didn't have -- many cultures had women in power and working before that.

    also Jews used to sacrifice animals until the temple was destroyed. In Christianity Jesus died to pay the blood price and everyone's sins so that no one would every have to do a blood sacrifice again. Islamic Jesus was never crucified so the only way Muslims can guarentee to have all their sins washed is with the first drop of blood they spill waging jihad and then they get to go to paradise, get intercession for salvation for 70 of your family members and 72 virgins/grapes.

    Islam is a plagerized religion. Muhammed could read - he was hired to do business and wrote contracts etc. He pretended he couldn't read because it was so obvious that he plagerized that he had to make up a story and he physically hurt/killed people for criticizing and making fun of him for it. In the Bible it says that Satan will come as an angel of light and produce a false prophet who denies the divinity of Jesus and decieves many nations by saying they come in peace, and the Bible also says do not bow down before a rock, and that in end times Jesus will fight the antichirst and when he wins he will rip the crescent moons off the camels. He was a merchant so he heard a lot of stories. His embryology stuff was ripped off from a greek called Galen to the point they got the exact same thing wrong - Muhammed's companion studied at a school where Galen was taught to medical students. Islam is actually closest to ancient Baal worship. The pagans used to make a pilgramage to Mekkah and pray to and and circle a rock - not much changed except Muhammed renamed the practice

    I remember the biggest line of BS they usually try to tell non-Muslims is about the two seas and how sweet and salty water don't mix -- they do. It's called brakish water but where they meet, sometimes it's like you can see milk in coffee before it gets mixed in so it's an illusion.

    If their countries were so great, why are people fleeing them to live in Christian countries? If they are so scientfic why havent they had an invention in over 700 years and produce the least Nobel prizes - all tech is imported?

    most of their inventions were done by dhimmis or stuff stolen from them - like Hindus invented zero, Abbysibian monks invented coffee etc.
    they lie a lot, like right now they are lying that Native Americans were muslims who spoke Arabic.

    Seriously, I hated the "no book could ever be written as great" -- well, um yeah it was plagerized from the Bible and other stories so obviously they could be written before. Some "koran" fragments found predate Muhammed so obviously copied. No orginal unaltered Koran exists either -- Uthman burned them all.

    Are Muslims good people -- yeah, there are many but so what? John Rabe and Oskar Schindler were good men - didn't make Nazism a good ideology.

  • @skrrrtking easy
    1John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son. This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son can have the Father; whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well.

    2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

    2 John 1:7
    For many deceivers have gone out into the world, refusing to confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

    Leviticus 26:1
    You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God.

    and Joel 3

  • @emily I left the religion. Your friends don't tell you the fine print. Read the authors Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, Nonie Darwish, Walid Phares, Christopher Hitchens and check out the website of ex Muslims who will tell you the stuff people trying to revert you won't..

    The terrorism comes from the fact Muhammed divided the world into Dar al Harb (house of war/nonMuslims) and Dar al Islam (house of Islam) and he said to wage perpetual war (jihad) until the non-Muslims are subdued and they live in an apartheid state where non Muslims pay higer taxes (jizyah) and have fewer rights (dhimmitude). Sura 9:29 Most of the religion is political not spiritual. Of all the ideologies in the world - it has the lowest women's rights, lowest human rights, lowest freedom index. They lie and say Muhammed granted rights to women they didn't have -- many cultures had women in power and working before that.

    also Jews used to sacrifice animals until the temple was destroyed. In Christianity Jesus died to pay the blood price and everyone's sins so that no one would every have to do a blood sacrifice again. Islamic Jesus was never crucified so the only way Muslims can guarentee to have all their sins washed is with the first drop of blood they spill waging jihad and then they get to go to paradise, get intercession for salvation for 70 of your family members and 72 virgins/grapes.

    Islam is a plagerized religion. Muhammed could read - he was hired to do business and wrote contracts etc. He pretended he couldn't read because it was so obvious that he plagerized that he had to make up a story and he physically hurt/killed people for criticizing and making fun of him for it. In the Bible it says that Satan will come as an angel of light and produce a false prophet who denies the divinity of Jesus and decieves many nations by saying they come in peace, and the Bible also says do not bow down before a rock, and that in end times Jesus will fight the antichirst and when he wins he will rip the crescent moons off the camels. He was a merchant so he heard a lot of stories. His embryology stuff was ripped off from a greek called Galen to the point they got the exact same thing wrong - Muhammed's companion studied at a school where Galen was taught to medical students. Islam is actually closest to ancient Baal worship. The pagans used to make a pilgramage to Mekkah and pray to and and circle a rock - not much changed except Muhammed renamed the practice

    I remember the biggest line of BS they usually try to tell non-Muslims is about the two seas and how sweet and salty water don't mix -- they do. It's called brakish water but where they meet, sometimes it's like you can see milk in coffee before it gets mixed in so it's an illusion.

    If their countries were so great, why are people fleeing them to live in Christian countries? If they are so scientfic why havent they had an invention in over 700 years and produce the least Nobel prizes - all tech is imported?

    most of their inventions were done by dhimmis or stuff stolen from them - like Hindus invented zero, Abbysibian monks invented coffee etc.
    they lie a lot, like right now they are lying that Native Americans were muslims who spoke Arabic.

    Seriously, I hated the "no book could ever be written as great" -- well, um yeah it was plagerized from the Bible and other stories so obviously they could be written before. Some "koran" fragments found predate Muhammed so obviously copied. No orginal unaltered Koran exists either -- Uthman burned them all.

    Are Muslims good people -- yeah, there are many but so what? John Rabe and Oskar Schindler were good men - didn't make Nazism a good ideology.

  • @kendrobeast Oskar Schindler and John Rabe were also good people -- didn't make Nazism a good ideology -- same with Islam.

  • @angelina-zouseau yay, you're the 4th sane person to join this topic, lol. I have been commenting here sonce the first page of the topic and I've had some pretty interesting replies from Muslims, @Muslim admitted that he thinks gays deserve to die and other Muslims just posted fucked up comments that didn't make any sense. Lol, i also posted a video of NDT and other science videos but nobody watches them. The Muslims on this topic are mega ignorent retards when it comes to science. If you want go back to the first page and read through the comments to have a good laugh

  • @angelina-zouseau oh wait wtf, did you become a Christian after leaving islam? (Real question)

  • @angelina-zouseau this seems convincing

  • Banned

    Islam is a true religion from GOD just as Christianity, or other Faiths... the problems people are witnessing today is when a Faith goes into a decline from it's "zenith" it's strongest most shining point, to where it's only a shell of its former glory, and it's religious leaders are loosing it's grip on people because times change, and therefore things have to be "renewed" all Faiths go through this phase. That is why GOD renews His Covenant with mankind with the coming of His Manifestation to bring a fresh measure of the WORD OF GOD to regenerate mankind from the darkness of error through the Light of GOD's Revelation. What people fail to understand is that ALL OF THE WORLD'S GREAT RELIGIONS are from GOD, each one is progressive, and leads into the next, as there is only One GOD. In this day and age that is through Baha'u'llah "The Glory of God", the return of Christ. To understand how Baha'u'llah has fulfilled the Scriptures please read His Wiritings. One of His Writings is a Book called: "The Book of Certitude" and deals with the topic of return in depth. It is the Divine Station that "returns" and not the same name or person from the past.

  • @jr1974 YET Kuran mentions Christ and his mother ... a number of times than it mentions Mohammed.
    It say Christ is only a Messiah yet u say he would come at the end of time claiming that he is God....(which u say is false..)
    What legacy or wht was Mohammed's message as he lived on this Earth & as u say he was decended from God. Wht did he do as he lived on this Earth. A wHT GOOD did he bring what truth.

  • nah man. It's like asking if white people are a race of racists headasses who shoot schools. Don't judge a group of people based on what a few did. Many muslims are dying because of ISIS, but of course the media doesn't pay attention to that shit. Pretty simple shit, and anyone who disagrees can suck my non-existent cock
