Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @bobbys.noona Go fucking get your Quran and read Surah 5 verse 33, Surah 8 verse 12 AND THEN TELL ME ISLAM IS A FUCKING RELIGION OF PEACE

  • @bobbys.noona i used to be a fucking muslim I USED TO BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT UNTIL I REACHED THE AGE OF REASON.

  • @how-to-make-a the punishment Allah give baceuse they doesnt follow the rule or what allah said we have to do. thats why we have to follow what Allah said.
    every religions have a punishment for ppl who doesnt follow their rule.
    thats what i know

  • @how-to-make-a Could you tell us why? What makes you think so? Let's solve this together :)

  • @how-to-make-a Can you quote those exact phrases here please so we can read it.

  • @Muslim why do you think I'm sick? Because i don't think being gay is bad, because i don't think people who leave islam should die, because i believe women are equal to men, because i believe in science, evolution and the big bang. Are you fucking stupid

  • @sarah ok why not SOLVE IT TOGETHER on chat

  • @how-to-make-a Being gay is bad because it reduces the normal reproduction life cycle of human beings, if ALL the humans started to become gays then there will only be test babies all over the world and no blood child would exist which you are currently of your own parents.

    You have misconception. People who leave islam SHOULD NOT die, there is nowhere written that if you leave islam you will be dead or should be dead. You are making your own statements!

    Woman are indeed equal to men, infact Islam teaches us to respect woman more because she was a woman who tolerated you for 9 months in her womb. So woman are meant to be respected MORE THAN MAN.

    I being a muslim also belives in science , evolution and big bang, but I do belive in everything that Quran says, because science is just proving what Quran already said 1400 years ago.

    Please carry on, i like to make you correct :)

  • @sarah one second. I'm making my own topic called "fuck islam - sincerely from an ex-muslim"

  • @how-to-make-a Let's be normal and no need to be aggressive. its just a discussion so you better AVOID DISRESPECTING RELIGIONS OR PEOPLE else you could get banned as well. Just reply here.

    Learn from me, I don't know what your religion is what I am not abusing you :)

  • @how-to-make-a what is ur religion?

  • @how-to-make-a no . maybe cuz you go aginst nature . or maybe cuz u throw lies about relegion or maybe uve never been muslim cuz if u were u would never leave . ur just another media slave. and ur dirty mind and way of talking makes us reject ur opinion sir.

  • @Soso-Ana his religion is do what ever ( being animal )

  • @sarah the way u think its the negative of what he thinks .no way he will be normal.

  • @Muslim oh fuck off. " you go against nature", "you tell lies about religion", "you were never a muslim". Are you fucking kidding me.

    1. How the fuck do i GO AGAINST NATURE?
    3. Who the fuck are you to decide if i was a Muslim or not? (I speak fluent arabic, was born in syria and i was in a muslim school and i was a real muslim for 13 years)

    So fuck you

  • @Muslim oh fuck you. "His religion is do whatever(being an animal)".

    1. That religion doesn't fucking exist
    2. I'm an atheist (which means i don't have a religion)
    3. Fuck you

  • Firstly, it's very obvious that Islam is not a religion of terrorism. However, it's still a religion of war, violence and sexism, among other nasty things.

    How I know this, you may ask. It's very simple - just read the Quran casually.

    First off, the matter of gender equality. Sura 4, verse 11, establishes that a man is worth twice the amount than women, legally. In other words, in Islam sexism is mathematically established.

    Secondly, the rape part. Muhammad was not a peaceful hippie like Buddha or Jesus. He was a warlord. He kept hundreds of sex slaves and raped women in front of their husbands, defeated in battle, before he executed or enslaved them. He personally slew 800 Jewish men and boys. Not in combat, no - he executed them. (Abu Dawud 4390)

    There's nothing especially wrong with this, though, as muslims are not Muhammad. Excepting the part about Islam where you're supposed to follow Muhammads example - try to be as much as a Muhammad as you can. So, technically, muslims are supposed to kill infidels, rape women and execute Jews! Incredible! (Sura 33, verse 21).

    There's also the part where men are allowed to strike their men. Sura 4, verse 34 establishes that a man is allowed to hit his wife if she disobeys him, in all matters. You don't want to cook that evening? Well, it's his, your husband, right and duty to hit you.

    Fourthly, Muhammad did not simply go to war with the infidels and non-believers. He also beckoned all muslims to do the same! He told his fellow muslims to fight against the infidels wherever they would find them, until they submit to Allah or die. This can be found in sura 9, verse 29.

    Islam is also the only world religion that retains its followers membership by threatening to kill those that leave it. This is set by Muhammad's example. Hadith, Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260.ĀØ

    There's also the practical evidence. 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).

    Lets compare Muhammad to Jesus shortly. This is not to endorse Christianity, but only to show the contrast. Muhammad stoned a woman for adultery, (Muslim 4206
    ). Jesus? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." (John 8:7).

    Ever heard an eye for an eye? If the world applied that logic, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.", wise words as said by Gandhi. Muhammad had a different idea, though.

    "If then anyone transgresses
    the prohibition against you,
    Transgress ye likewise against him"
    (Quran 2:194)


    "If someone strikes you on the right
    cheek, turn to him the other also."
    (Matthew 5:39)

    There's also the matter of holy wars. These two prophets had entirely different ideas when it came to those, and war in general. Not only due to their actions in life, but also their preachings. Lets compare them.

    "I have been commanded to fight
    against people till they testify that there
    is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
    is the messenger of Allah"
    (Muslim 1:33)

    This basically means that all that don't believe in Allah must die or convert to Islam. Splendid.

    Jesus had, once again, another idea.
    "He who lives by the sword
    will die by the sword."
    (Matthew 26:52)

    A final comparison will be the simple fact that Muhammad crucified people. Jesus was himself crucified, simply due to the fact that he did not comply in belief to others.

    On top of all this, Islam is against democracy. It cannot exist in a secular society alongside a functioning government if you were to follow the beliefs advocated by the Quran and other holy texts. (Sura 33, verse 36, and sura 18, verse 26.)

    It's pretty obvious what the answer to your question is. As a final gift, I leave you this wonderful quote:

    "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
    (The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)

  • @Julia thank you. These people were driving me crazy.

  • @how-to-make-a Yes. Reading this thread made me angry due to the fact that nobody had fully debunked these heathens beliefs.

    Eitherway, I'm still mad at you for not doing what I did. At least you know the truth.

  • @Julia i did show them the indexs of verses but they didn't read them. Anyway you did a better job. Thanks.