• @Areveliostupefy 😂ohhh kay. I have left temporal lobe epilepsy. So when I have bigger seizures I feel the electricity and jerk to my right. One time they put me on a medicine that caused me to have 6 grand mal seizures in one day. I slept 48 hours and had to reboot to remember who I was and where I was. It seemed like I had no peripheral vision and I was in a tunnel. It was amazing coming back to reality. I've lost a good portion of my vocabulary and punctuation skills.... and who knows what else because it is gone. I think if you have to go through it you have to tough it out. My seizures are hormonal. My first was a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant and I had them pretty much every month. My boyfriend always knew before I did that I was about to have one. I asked my doctor why after years I still couldn't tell and he said "well, you're having a seizure".

  • @leelah Fascinating topic. I think I get what you're saying: though no epileptic, I had some weird experiences while felled with H3N2 in hospital. Very vivid sensation of being a collective hive mind, controlling millions of soldiers fighting an apocalyptic war. On one hand, it was the worst thing in the world, but I'm still kinda obsessed by it.

    But yeah.

    @leelah said in My epilepsy symptoms are amazing:

    They believe Joan of Arc had it and people that have had exorcisms.

    The only thing I have in common with Joan of Arc is hatred of the English.

  • @leelah demonic possession? do u scratch your body with your sharp nails?

  • @leelah said in My epilepsy symptoms are amazing:

    @cjko it is real. Some of my symptoms are unreality, which is the feeling of being an illusion, and indescribable feelings because it is a burst of electricity in my mind. When I'm having one I like for people to be with me but touching me is too much stimulation. Once I was having one at night where I couldn't talk, I remember feeling heartbroken because my boyfriend woke up and said "god dammit" and left the room.

    Ouch. I wonder if he knew how much that must have hurt :'(

  • @leelah that sounds a bit like a mystical experience

  • @Cunt-Fistula people have asked if I can see myself when I have out of body experiences. Nooo, it's a seizure lol. It actually feels like my center is 2 inches forward and 2 inches to the right.

  • @leelah oh that's interesting

  • @leelah woah. So does it have a name. Tonic-clonic or anything like that? Hope it gets Better for you ! :) you make it sound so thrilling btw 😂

  • @leelah yo hey! Fellow Epileptic! Mine are random, sporadic. Mostly Myoclonic Jerks to the point where I drop what I hold, hit my head on the desk at work, nearly break my nose on the floor, etc. Mine is caused by Witteveen-Kolk Syndrome, an ultra rare genetic variation on the SIN3A gene on the 15th Chromosome. I take 1gm of Sodium Valproate/Carbomezapine to ease it. Works a treat. I've had 6 Grand Mals and 16 Petit Mal seizures in 6 years, so pretty lucky. Started out on Keppra and wanted to kill everyone, including myself. Then onto Lamtrogine, which was okay. Wasn't doing much. Tegretol next, oh boy, what a ride. All that dejavu and stuff is stuff can an Aura, it happens when you have a seizure.

  • @leelah you are out of this world miss seriously 🙁🙁..
    You don't belong here 😂😂...
    What are you like Superwoman or something......
    If that's so then I need an autograph please 😂😂😂..jk