Which is better: keeping your parent at home as they age, or finding an assisted living community?

  • Banned

    Which is better: keeping your parent at home as they age, or finding an assisted living community?

  • Banned

    In my opinion assisted living facilities are a much better option, due to the fact that they does not only offer 24*7 care for patients suffering from mental health issues but they also offer amenities such as; transportation, laundry services, Emergency alert system, Movie theatre, and most importantly a chance to socialise with people their own age.

  • Banned

    Our aging relatives should not suffer from loneliness and live according to their lifestyle with proper care services. My aunt for instance is well-handled by www.allheartcare.com home care agency in brooklyn and we are very glad that she is safe and sound. If you are looking for some home care services, well, I would definitely recommend allheatcare agency

  • The right answer to this question obviously is an "it depends"...

    For example if your parent is a very sociable person, and they cannot go out anymore, then bringing them to an institution is a good thing, because they'll have the company they need. Has to be the right one ofc...

    If their highest concern is being independent and they don't really lack anything at home, then you might want to keep them at home.

    However if after some time you realize it drives you insane, you'll have to find another solution...

    Our ancestors lived in extended families and there it was much easier to keep aging parents at home, because the whole family would help take care of them. Today, it's all on you, and there are things you alone (or you and your partner) just cannot provide.

    So... it depends... on a lot of things...

  • @penny-q Whatever they want
