• @Guy-marken said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    I am against it. I am a man that can't have kids due to low sperm count. I went out with a girl who was six months pregnant. And one day she just went in and got rid of it.

    Where are you from that they conduct abortions at six months of pregnancy? In the USA abortion is an option from very early pregnancy (somewhere between 4-6 weeks, depending on where you go) until about 24 weeks. Abortions are available later than 24 weeks only in rare cases for medical reasons.

  • @ScruffyMutt said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    Ohhhh! I love incendiary topics.

    I'm about to make any reader actually THINK.

    For a post that is supposed to make people think, you create a lot of confusion. But maybe that's your idea of making people think, cause you might be right that it works :joy:

    Some say human life begins at conception.

    This is nonsense. Human life obviously begins at conception (as derived from the scientific defition of life in general). The question is wether the little thing is already a person or not.

    Some people say they want smaller government.
    Then the same people pass so many laws that even your crackhead wife's abortion requires carbon copy notorized triplicate forms, unnecessary pelvic exam, listening to heartbeats, three counseling sessions with prayers included, a signed affidavit by the unknown father that she met at a bar one night, and, oh, sorry, that took too long. Abortion and to be done yesterday during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. We will now arrest you for giving birth to a crack baby. A lot of laws they love. But "big government is bad".

    The question wether abortion is wrong or right has nothing to do with the people who are holding it and what else they do. Abortion isn't wrong just because some murderer is for it, or right because the pope is for it... But I agree with one thing: making abortion impossible by burocratic means is an underhanded move. Also there are some other pretty bad laws in place that punish women for being forced into prostitution. It is essential to differentiate.

    Some people say they are completely against abortion. And then they or their sister becomes pregnant but the embryo attached inside the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. If it is not removed then mother and fetus would both die.

    Again the question wether abortion is right or wrong has nothing to do with the people who hold that view. Truth be told, since babies can survive outside of their mother's womb as early as the 5th month now (with artifical life support), in this case you can save both, but there remains a risk. However you have a valid point that there are situations where you have to decide whom you should save. Let me add another example: There is a fire and a fireman can save one of two people. Whom should he save? He's got to decide and he will... But does that mean he killed the other person?

    Ironically, the people that pass the highly restrictive "Pro-Life" laws to "protect children" tend to be the same people that agree with Trump's actions of taking children away from parents at the Mexican boarder, want to take welfare and food stamps away from families, and feel that children born in the US with non-citizen parents aren't really children but "Anchor Babies". Many would even approve of sending delinquent juvenile offenders to prison instead of to juvenile detention "so they learn their lesson"

    First of all, the question wether abortion is right has nothing to do with who holds it and who doesn't and what other views they hold... Second: this is a prejudice seeded by the media. People who vote for trump do not automatically aprove of everything he does. Most of the people who want a secure border, do not appreciate ripping families apart. There are also people who are for juvenile prison and for abortion. The views that people hold have (you know the drill)...

    Any politician that raises the abortion issue during times where the topic has been quiet, or who sums up their opinion in a simple phrase such as "life begins at conception" or "except in cases of rape and incest" only prove they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Or it means they have actually thought it through and just summarize the thought that they think says it all. This is the problem with modern media, you have 1 minute to say what you have to say. Nobody in this day and age gets the time to differentiate. That is why long time podcasts have reached such mass adaptation, because people crave deeper conversation.

    There is no simple answer in regards to abortion. It is a grey area as large as the planet.

    There are never simple answers, but that does not automatically make it a grey area either...

  • @ScruffyMutt said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    @JosephStalin said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    Abortion is horrible under certain circumstances. If you just donโ€™t want the baby even though you willingly fucked then your a selfish price of shit.

    What if you are a 50 year old woman that has not yet hit post menopause and the birth control failed and you concived with your 63 year old husband and the featus has no brain, eyes, ears, arms, lungs, yet because it is only a few weeks into term?
    Would that woman be a "Piece of shit" ?

    Piece of shit is demeaning... obviously she's not a piece of shit.

    But, also quite obviously, when you have sex you might conceive even at 50 years of age (because birth control tends to fail) and most 50 year old people have had enough time to learn that. What would absolve a person who's 50 from the responsibility a 20 year old has? Also quite obvious: Her husband has the same responsibility.

    You can only even make that argument, because you don't see the fetus as a human being. If you were right with this, there would be no responsibility indeed...

  • @petrapark3r said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    @ScruffyMutt said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    @JosephStalin said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    Abortion is horrible under certain circumstances. If you just donโ€™t want the baby even though you willingly fucked then your a selfish price of shit.

    What if you are a 50 year old woman that has not yet hit post menopause and the birth control failed and you concived with your 63 year old husband and the featus has no brain, eyes, ears, arms, lungs, yet because it is only a few weeks into term?
    Would that woman be a "Piece of shit" ?

    Piece of shit is demeaning... obviously she's not a piece of shit.

    But, also quite obviously, when you have sex you might conceive even at 50 years of age (because birth control tends to fail) and most 50 year old people have had enough time to learn that. What would absolve a person who's 50 from the responsibility a 20 year old has? Also quite obvious: Her husband has the same responsibility.

    You can only even make that argument, because you don't see the fetus as a human being. If you were right with this, there would be no responsibility indeed...

    Are you saying that a married couple should stop having sex once the are done having kids?
    And I see a collection of cells as a collection of cells. A 5 week featus with no brain and the size of a sesame seed is no more a living breathing person to me than a seed is a tree.
    There is a difference between a person and a potential person.

  • @petrapark3r regarding my long post, I was addressing many of the pre-existing areguements and how they fail.

    How can anyone be completely for or against such a profound issue as abortion? The featus could be non viable, the pregnancy could have a condition that results in death for the mother before even the possibility of early delivery, the mother could just be a vengeful baby hater, the doctor could be a quack, and so on.

    To say it's a crystal clear yes or no would show a lack of consideration or education on the facts of the biology and sociology involved.

  • @ScruffyMutt said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    @petrapark3r regarding my long post, I was addressing many of the pre-existing areguements and how they fail.

    I appreciate your concern with the arguments that are brought forward, showing how they fall short and where people have to differentiate instead of "using a hammer to mount a screw".

    How can anyone be completely for or against such a profound issue as abortion? The featus could be non viable, the pregnancy could have a condition that results in death for the mother before even the possibility of early delivery, the mother could just be a vengeful baby hater, the doctor could be a quack, and so on.

    As I hinted in my earlier reply it is possible to differentiate. As the firefighter is not killing the person he's leaving behind, the doctor also is not killing one patient (the baby / the mother) when he separates them in a way that saves only one of them. It is reasonable to have a general anti-abortion stance and accept that what the doctor does in such a situation is in fact not the same. IMHO the doctor saving the mother should not be called an abortion. :shrug:

    In many cases he could also save the child btw. and there are quite a few mothers who choose to die so that their child could live. Those women in my eyes are heroes. So without saying that the doctor should always save the child or always save the mother, let's also appreciate their sacrifice properly.

    Be very careful with the "non-viable" or with the "condition that results in death for the mother". There are numerous cases where the prognosis "non-viable" or "death risk for the mother" was completely wrong โ€“ because 1. the medical tests are far from perfect and 2. a lot of things change as mother and child go through the development together. Also doctors these days tend to bring up abortion even if the propability of complications is very low (after all abortions make a lot of people very rich)...

    Of course there are always risks, pregnancy in general is risky. But risk alone does not justify "killing". (As you can see the actual question still is wether it is killing or not... I'll get to that in another post)

    If the mother is a vengeful baby hater or the doctor a quack, then an abortion is just as bad a solution as leaving the baby in their hands. Both are problems that should actually be tackled and not avoided by getting rid of the reason they show up...

    To say it's a crystal clear yes or no would show a lack of consideration or education on the facts of the biology and sociology involved.

    Yes, it's not chrystal clear. And lots of facts are unknown to a majority of the population because it is such a hot topic...

  • To give you an idea of what I mean by thinking through I'll explain one of the logically coherent viewpoints I know of: The materialistic viewpoint.

    The materialistic viewpoint has two axioms:

    1. there is no such thing as a soul, everything is purely physical
    2. a person is purely the result of bio-chemical processes

    Thus from the materialistic viewpoint a fetus is but a lump of cells. And so are you. This is why people who subscribe to this viewpoint tend to also support euthanesia:

    Once the cost of living is higher than the benefits, it is perfectly fine to end human lives, no matter at what stage they are in. In the beginning stages (on the level of societies) this is of course purely restricted to the decision of the person who's life is going to be ended. As long as they are able to decide themselve โ€“ in contrast to a fetus of course.

    It is brought however to extremes in societies that as a whole subscribe to the materialistic viewpoint. In the sowjet union, people who are perceived to give no value to society (or even threaten it) were put into gulags in the millions! Along the same lines has acted every communist state that has ever been created, such that communism has many times the number of victims that nazi germany did (including the war victims).

    It is safe to say, that most people โ€“ even if they are materialists โ€“ prefer not to live in a purely materialistic society. Or at least they will at some point, once they themselves become victims of the system...

  • The Soul's Viewpoint

    This is the viewpoint that most people on this planet should theoretically have, because most people on this planet believe that there is (or at least might be) some kind of afterlife. Strangely enough, especially in the west, people do in fact not have this viewpoint. I believe the reason for this is that most people just haven't thought it through. So here is your chance...

    In the middle ages people believed that babys got their souls after a fixed period of time. Strangely enough boys got their soul earlier than girls. :joy: I'm laughing, but I'm not joking! If I believe correctly it was 3 months for boys and 4 months for girls, but I might be wrong about that. Even St. Thomas of Aquino the great catholic theologician still believed that, because Aristotle whom he held in high esteem, had introduced this nonsense into the world of written "wisdom". This midieval believe however seems to be still present in modern western societies, where even many christians are okay with an abortion as long as it is before a certain developmental age...

    If there is an afterlife, then there must be a soul. A soul can live perfectly fine without a body, or else it would die with the body and there would not be an afterlife. Thus a soul needs no body and certainly no functioning brain to exist. Ergo, a fetus does not need a certain developmental stage to have a soul. There is only one moment for a soul and a body to become one that makes sense from a logical standpoint: conception. Hence an abortion โ€“ and even the pill after โ€“ would mean killing a human being who's soul will live on in the next life...

    And even if we assume that maybe Aristotle was right, then we'd have to ask ourselves how we could measure when the soul enters the body. And since what I just said is complete hocus pocus (we cannot measure a soul...) we'd have to assume our assumptions about the soul (that a fetus gets its soul once the brain has reached a certain development stage) could be wrong. And the fact that the little life could already be a person and have a soul is enough to not kill it IMHO...

  • @ScruffyMutt said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    Are you saying that a married couple should stop having sex once the are done having kids?

    No, :joy:, I'm saying they should have the last kid too, that they tried to avoid, even if it is inconvenient. Usually people that age have enough money :shrug: :yum:. We agreed that things aren't clear with abortion, but I can without any further explanation say: I'm against abortion out of inconvenience... Last but not least because an abortion carries quite a few serious health risks for the mother...

    And I see a collection of cells as a collection of cells. A 5 week featus with no brain and the size of a sesame seed is no more a living breathing person to me than a seed is a tree.
    There is a difference between a person and a potential person.

    That is either a completely materialist standpoint or a humanist one. I wonder if I'll be able to think myself into the humanist viewpoint :thinking_face:

  • @harveylake Can you be in the middle?
    I'm more on the side of...it's a choice. It shouldn't be illegal to abort. Sure, the infant has a heartbeat, but so does the lady giving birth. It's not a necessity or a social evil. It just should not be illegal.

  • @harveylake
    Abortion should be mandatory from now on, humans had their chance and they fucked it up. Get a dog instead.

  • @DAD_ said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    @harveylake said in ABORTION-necessity or a social evil?:

    what's your take on abortion?

    Selectively applicable.

    do you support the idea or are you against it?

    Not everything in this world is, black and white.
    As humans, we should always strive to find the grey, and develop a consensus on things, rather than taking extreme stands, and disregarding each and any argument.

    Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was waiting for a moment when I have the time and right state of mind. Are you still traveling through india?

    What you say is definitely applicable for most things we have to deal with. I mean even the question wether it is wrong to kill a human being clearly is not easy to decide. For example: does a soldier in war do wrong if he kills an enemy?

    But we have to keep something in our minds;

    - A newborn cannot speak for itself.

    The foetus can not advocate for or against its life. So, we have to make the decision for it.
    The decisions made are most of the time personal, social or economical;


    Hence, the decisions should be made logically, situationally and optimally. Without the influence of feelings.

    I am pretty sure that only a sociopath would be able to do that :sweat_smile:

    Because Not being born is better than being a walking corpse.
    If the party is capable of supporting themselves, and the child, financially, emotionally, and socially. Then, abortion is a heinous murder.

    I believe that this is what @ScruffyMutt wanted to show: there is something wrong with this argument...

    If under some conditions it is heineous murder, then the little thing must indeed be a human being. Otherwise how could it be called murder?

    If however it is a human being, then how is it not murder when it has a bleak future? With the same argument you could advocate for killing the "walking corpse" that wasn't aborted...

    If one has committed a mistake, then they should own up to it, and raise the child, with full responsibility and care.

    Absolutely agree.

    - Prevention is better than cure;

    Absolutely agree.

    • Wear condoms, because each abortion that takes place, is free advertising for durex.
    • Dont let your hormones, get a hold of your future.
    • Rather than aborting, put the child up for adoption, foster care, Because according to WHO, approximately 48.5 million people, were infertile, and they know the importance of that child more than you.
    • Donate the child to underground secret science facilities for experimentation.
      : )

    Partly agree :joy:
