@Janet cleaver!!
Would you rather
Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
This is a tough one!
@Sooomeeeh I will rather have free foods at restaurants becoz there are many delicacies or cuisines I wanna try but can't as they are too expensive.On other hand in case of free international first-class tickets it dosen't matter whether i have it or not coz i am not really a fan of travelling,but if i have to travel for official purpose i am sure i can gather enough capital for it.
@Roney1718 awesome answer! thank you
@Sooomeeeh I would rather choose the international tickets. I might not enjoy some of the cuisines and I'm into epic views. :)
@cjko travel and have fun yaay!
@Sooomeeeh I’d rather not have to pay at restaurants! Reason being, I wouldn’t travel as often as I’d go out to have nice food... so more benefits!
@ChickenNugget I guess you'd rather buy chicken nuggets than travel anywhere hehe
@Sooomeeeh said in Would you rather:
unlimited international first-class tickets
As I rather travel then eat :shrug:
@Sooomeeeh Can I get as much food as I like from the restaurants then feed homeless/struggling people with it? As much as flying around seeing the whole world sounds great, that's what I'd rather do.
@Lurker ok MISS Lurker 😏 travelling sounds fun I guess.. not much of a traveller
@Matt_Aranha of course you can! That's a great and very kind act indeed
@Sooomeeeh everyone loves food
@bigbob haha yeah food is life!
@Sooomeeeh you shouldn't feel bad eating lol . In moderation 😁
@bigbob of course, everything should be in moderation
@Sooomeeeh it never is though haha
Obviously, never pay for food @ restaurants, and then load up plates and plates and plates of food, take them to the back door, give them to homeless lads. VIRTUE SIGNALLED INNIT.
@Indrid-Cold great answer and such a kind deed!
@Sooomeeeh Sweet, that's what I'm doing then :)