• @Free_WtfJudith I don't know anyone here :(

  • @ash33 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith I don't know anyone here :(

    Damnit ash, surely you do and can answer at least some of these ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Free_WtfJudith so it is not compulsory to attempt all q

  • @Free_WtfJudith my user is @Jeff9998
    I got 4 points out of 6๐Ÿ˜„ ,sheet๐Ÿ˜ฒ

  • @ash33 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith so it is not compulsory to attempt all q

    You could try and guess :p

  • @Jeff9998 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith my user is @Jeff9998
    I got 4 points out of 6๐Ÿ˜„ ,sheet๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    Itโ€™s aupposed to be over 10 tho ๐Ÿ˜‚ but sureee good job

  • @Free_WtfJudith then i have gotten 7.5 out of 11(bonus included)

  • @Jeff9998 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith then i have gotten 7.5 out of 11(bonus included)

    Thought the added bonus made the max points of points you could get 11/10

    So you could only answer 7 questions and a bonus about yourself?

  • @Free_WtfJudith eh,ehhhhhhh, hmm, then i have gotten 7.5/10

  • @Jeff9998 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith eh,ehhhhhhh, hmm, then i have gotten 7.5/10

    Yes but how could you only get only 7 and a bonus right about YOURSELF ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Free_WtfJudith make this,"how well do you know yourself quiz",It'd be better, as these questions are hard af,people still won't get perfect score

  • @Free_WtfJudith yes, ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

  • @Free_WtfJudith said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    Alright folks, so this is a kind of game to figure out how well you know a certain TWS user! :D

    Just choose a friend or anyone you believe you know better than anyone else here. No cheating or stalking them to find some of the answers on their profiles if it's the case XD

    It is a girl whom i know :thinking_face:

    Tag them and answer all 10 questions here and they can respond telling you how many you got right :P Obviously the point is to get as many good answers as you can, so whoever gets the best score wins a dog nood. (HURRAYYYYYY!!!! I KNOW, HOW EXCITING!!!)



    1. What is their dream Traveling destination? (can be a country, city, whatever)

    Since she ever traveled to some countries like England and France, may be she wants to travel to Asia :smirk:

    1. Favourite number?

    She loves 6 :3

    1. What's their father's name?

    Argh it is private tho. I ever asked her and it is kinda hard to tell to me. The second hardest one after i asked her number eh do i ever asked such things before?

    1. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)

    I am sure all of @Global-Moderators are her bestie also @imbored and @Rendezvous :smirk:

    1. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

    She never mentioned about Coffee addict or Tea before. She ever shared about chocolate in the past 6 months :) but if i can say the other one, she loves alcohol. Even i dont agree with that, but since she is happy, i cant change her.

    1. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)

    She is still student tho. I recall all of memory she ever shared but in that time she was not sure what kind of dream job she wants. She loves drawing and that drawing is kinda awesome. The first time i know she is talented because of this picture

    1. What's their favorite pizza topping?

    Pinapples topping

    1. What is their dream car?

    Last time we chatted about automotive with Pudd, i believe she is not into automotive. But since she is a high class girl, may be she loves lamborghini.

    1. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they?

    Of course she does not have allergies to dust or feather since she loves dog and lives with dog for almost 9 years. I dont think she has allergies to meat or fish since her dog may eat that, water or cold whether since she lives in the North of America, it is extremely cold.

    1. What would they do if they won 50 million $?

    Last time in the post of @albertolok she mentioned she will kill someone just for 10 million $ ๐Ÿ˜‚ i dont wanna protest her for that thing also dont want to mind a single business about that. Be whatever she wants to be lah.

    for 0.5 points:
    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?

    When she is in the bad mood, talking a funny things or asking her to remember a good memory or listening to her complains/madness/disappointed may chill her down. However, almost all the time, when she is sad, she will find her dog and hug it till she is better. I will be online for a while (even i do busy) to make sure she is not that down.

    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    From all of her pictures she ever posted, she almost used T-Shirt and Cap. She ever posted a purple or Dark Blue dress (cmiiw). That was my favorite picture ever since she is really beautiful in that prom day. I will ask her later if she does not mind with that :3
    Her favorite accessories are pink eyeglasses, bracelet and blue watch (this one is in youtube and i play it like hella thousand times when i miss her).
    Oh, a bonus things, she loves to color her nail with pink ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Now it is the time for ya @Free_WtfJudith , who is that girl? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • @G-A but you didn't tag Her. Well,i guess ik you well enough to know who she is, but still tag Her to clear all doubts ๐Ÿ˜›

  • @Jeff9998 eh :3 i guess i asked her to answer da games after i gave her the detail xD
    But tbh, i tagged her twice if you pay attention ;)

  • @Free_WtfJudith

    1. What is their dream Traveling destination? (can be a country, city, whatever)
      Swimming pool full of snakes
    2. Favourite number?
      Her phone no. (Coz it is longest no she knows)
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Kat, luci, Mr.h ,
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Ask her
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      Pineapple tpooing
    8. What is their dream car?
      Ask her
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they?
      Pm me if u wanna know
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Buy brownies
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    Its a secret, even I wanna know that
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Judy's real dad's house, Canada


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
      Exam Hall
    2. Favourite number?
      Her phone no. (Coz it is longest no she knows)
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Ask her (but u Canada pm her tho)
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    8. What is their dream car?
      Tata neno
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they?
      A guy/bish who can't say slang
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Give all money to me
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    "Mele balu ne thana thaya"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Near to paffa's neighbor , Bangladesh


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask him
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Baka,baka, me(maybe), snow, newbie,
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Ask him
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
    8. What is their dream car?
      Maruti 500
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      Mouth fart
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Buy flying train
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    "Kaka guess what / can I pm u?"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Kaka's house, India


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Baka,baka, kat, jeff
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Selling diapers
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    8. What is their dream car?
      Fly train
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      @ judysdad
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Spend on her researches
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    "Guy guy guy guy guy (help her to spam pub chat)"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Firefly's PC, not murica


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
      His bed
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask him
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Paffa, darpan, Ashley, kanak, Jeff bb, jalebii
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
      Tea (hello friends!! Chai pi lo)
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Maybe in mahindra co.
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
    8. What is their dream car?
      Auto riksha
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "Line mar rha hai bc"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Leave his home , Spend all money, come back home, n sleep
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    "Jim jam Jim jam Jim jam"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Jimmy's bed, india


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
      India ๐Ÿ˜›
    2. Favourite number?
      9876543210 <----- her phone number
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Jimmy boii, aaaaaaaaaaash, durwin, kat,
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      Something but idk (replay)
    8. What is their dream car?
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Maybe buy a batmoblie
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Catwoman's dad home, not in india


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
      Firefly's place
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Hawt Jimmy, firefly, ash brosky, Anthony, zen, kaka
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
      Coffee (not sure)
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Become , car recing driver
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      Something that I don't know
    8. What is their dream car?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "Who can't enjoy their own life (not sure)"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Collect cool cars, n friends for cooper
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    " # kat sista"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Kat's car, murica


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination?
    2. Favourite number?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask him
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Kaka, jimmy, ashu, chaos
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
      Coffee (not sure)
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Lurking (ใƒ„)
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      Something that I don't know again
    8. What is their dream car?
      Bumble bee
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "(โ•ฏยฐ โ–กยฐ๏ผ‰ โ•ฏ๏ธต โ”ปโ”โ”ป take this"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Idk, can u pls give me all money I have startup plan
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    " hey Bart!!!!!!"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Bart's bed, india


    1. What is their dreamJaguar ling destination?
      A place where she smok curry every day
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      Ask her
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Zimi, zoob, jani dushman, her tws sister
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
      Coffee (100% sure)
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Eating pani puri
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      Spaghet .. Jk
    8. What is their dream car?
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "She is allergy-prof"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Of course, she n her sista waste that money in enjoyment
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    " dushman <3 "
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Her dad's house, uk


    1. What is their dreamJaguar ling destination?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    2. Favourite number?
    3. What's their father's name?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Jim, firefly, ns, kakashi,
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    8. What is their dream car?
      He is ninja, he don't need car
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "Jeff bb"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      "Jeff!! Say in replay"
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    " Jeff my brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruh / mahhhhh nama jeff"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    "Neighbor's yard, playing with their kids ๐Ÿ˜"


    1. What is their dreamJaguar ling destination?
    2. Favourite number?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    3. What's their father's name?
      My future wife's name lol
    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      Blue_Nebula , Styles, her mom(me), Mr.pool
    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      Maybe she wanna be writer
    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      ยฏ_ (ใƒ„) _/ยฏ
    8. What is their dream car?
    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they ?
      "Don't say her name in pub chat"
    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      She will go in Japan n live there maybe
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    " khana!!!! Mera beta"
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    "Kana's phone, not in japan"

    edited : I sacrifice my sleep last night, at least press F to show some respect

  • @ash33 I'm not Jimmy's bb you fรผcking fuรงk, I'm just his friend, no hรธmo

  • @Jeff9998 oh I forgot u.. I'll edit that later

  • @ash33 yes pls