• Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you?

  • As a dead person i can't answer that

  • @Mr-Ghost You had to be alive to die, didnt ya?

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you?

    No not really .... I mean it used to be great , but now .... now its not so.... this is life, this is how it goes, this is what happens unless you are very lucky lol
    But, in the English fashion, I keep my head up, look straight forward and march on ....
    What else is there to do?

  • @Durwin Used to be great when you didnt know much about being one ey?

  • @Alte sometimes I'd rather be a cat lady's cat because being human involves a lot of bull shark and responsibilities, but at the end of the day we are at the top of the food chain, no predators, only prey. Sometimes being human sucks, but we also have the power to make it not suck. We have free will and intelligent thoughts, we can do whatever we want! The only thing in our way is ourself!

  • haha nope. I actually want to be an ATOM. hahha

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Durwin Used to be great when you didnt know much about being one ey?

    Used to be super-fantastic when I didnt know much at all really ,...... then you hit 40 :O

  • @Alte nope

  • @Alte
    Yeah I guess i like having thoughts other than s^x and food...
    LOLOL i just noticed we can't type s^x here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


  • @Kana You think thats all animals think about? haha

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kana You think thats all animals think about? haha

    I guess...
    You'd say they think of survival too, but isn't that just so that they (or their young) can reproduce ๐Ÿค”
    Point is, animals are still slave to nature who wants them to just make sure their race survives and I'm glad humans have come far from that.

  • @Kana they're not slaves to nature... they are a part of nature, just like we are.... and we're no far from the so-called "beasts" as a species.... its best if our species hang on to the natural flow... coz nature knows best in every aspect of reality, invluding the way we ought to live and all other things..... stick close to your roots people!

  • Banned

    @Alte I enjoy it for the most part but some days I get jealous of how easy my dog's life is

  • @Alte I feel its a previlige being a human and all... after all, this form is the latest and the most advanced model in evolution... who doesn't love having the latest phone with the most specs? :joy:

  • @SoFa_king_Cody speaking of your dog, its lucky af dude, think of all the dogs on this planet, this one has sheer dumb luck to have an awesome owner that takes good care of it :))

  • @Kakashi said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kana they're not slaves to nature... they are a part of nature, just like we are.... and we're no far from the so-called "beasts" as a species.... its best if our species hang on to the natural flow... coz nature knows best in every aspect of reality, invluding the way we ought to live and all other things..... stick close to your roots people!

    Hang on to the natural flow as in? Give up to lust and be a slave of emotions? Because that's what those were hardwired in our heads for.
    Imo, we don't need nature to guide us. Nature isn't a guide. Nature doesn't care about us going to Mars or any other scientific research.
    We are working against nature when we find ways to better our lives. More people live today than would have been allowed if we sticked to what nature wanted. Survival of the fittest isn't working anymore. People with money survive. Nature wants us to fight tooth and nail to survive and not care about the weak because they aren't supposed to exist.
    We actually have come a far way from being a slave to nature.
    It's true that our most basic desires are still those that nature instilled in us. But we get to choose.
    Nature will have it's way tho. As much as we like to think we're winning, it's nature's pattern. But it's safe to say for now we're having a good time defying nature.

  • Banned

    @Kakashi Well thanks :) I spoil her like crazy haha

  • Banned

    @Alte I have my good n bad times but thats the only thing i know.I havnt experienced any other forms..

  • Freedom Writers

    @Kana said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kakashi said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kana they're not slaves to nature... they are a part of nature, just like we are.... and we're no far from the so-called "beasts" as a species.... its best if our species hang on to the natural flow... coz nature knows best in every aspect of reality, invluding the way we ought to live and all other things..... stick close to your roots people!

    Hang on to the natural flow as in? Give up to lust and be a slave of emotions? Because that's what those were hardwired in our heads for.

    No, not all give in to lust. That's so primal (imo). And, I was talking about something called "intuition", and our consciousness, that always reminds us of what is good and bad....

    Imo, we don't need nature to guide us. Nature isn't a guide. Nature doesn't care about us going to Mars or any other scientific research.

    It is nature herself, that guides us to Mars. We are nature. But I feel that since we're capable of independent thought, there's a possibility that we may stray from the path showed to us by nature. Look at what the humanls are doing; they destroy their environment that sustains them. They're like cancer to the world, although not the entirety of them.

    We are working against nature when we find ways to better our lives. More people live today than would have been allowed if we sticked to what nature wanted.

    Exactly, that's my point. Nature gave us intelligence to use it in a sensible way, or at least that should be used that way. Plus, since we're a part of nature as well, we have a right to sustain and expand our species, but we must also consider the needs of the other species.

    Survival of the fittest isn't working anymore. People with money survive.

    Girl, ever since we were born into this planet, its been all about survival of the clever in this epoch....

    Nature wants us to fight tooth and nail to survive and not care about the weak because they aren't supposed to exist.

    And why do the so-called "weak" exist now? Because nature herself allows it.

    We actually have come a far way from being a slave to nature.
    Again, we are nature.

    It's true that our most basic desires are still those that nature instilled in us. But we get to choose.
    Nature will have it's way tho. As much as we like to think we're winning, it's nature's pattern. But it's safe to say for now we're having a good time defying nature.

    It won't last for long at this rate..... You reap what you sow :))