On what basis do you decide if a women is beautiful or not....?!!?

  • On what basis do you decide if a women is beautiful or not....?!!?

  • @noney Personality .... :)

  • @shaun-durwin -

    u sure ...?? because 99% of the people judge on the looks, religion etc.....

  • Banned

    On her attitude and self-confidence, rather than on her physical appearance. A woman can have great looks and still go unnoticed, while other less atractive can get everyone's attention with her personality.

  • @noney

    It's indubitable that looks are the 1st thing ppl see. Society nowadays are more and more shallow and just afew of us care only about personality. I'm not one of those ppl, I won't lie and say I only care about personality cuz that's not true. There has to be somewhat of a balance for me, but at the end of the day, personality should overcome looks, after all when we get all wrinkly and old we will all be fabulous! :D

  • @noney said in On what basis do you decide if a women is beautiful or not....?!!?:

    @shaun-durwin -

    u sure ...?? because 99% of the people judge on the looks, religion etc.....

    Am I sure?
    Of course Iโ€™m sure. For me I find eyes are incredibly enticing but I am not and never have been a person to go for someone that just looks โ€˜goodโ€™.
    From past experience both โ€˜good looksโ€™ and โ€˜good personalityโ€™ rarely marry up. I also never meet someone and decide, :thinking_face: hmmm gonna ask her out.
    As @Mr-H says, there are few genuine people left in the world, this place we live has been taken over by shallow people.
    Such a shame really because there are so many beauties out there that get overseen because they donโ€™t appear as runway models or cover girls.

  • @noney For me, on her attitude,self confidence and self respect. I always admire women with class and good face is just a bonus...
    Appearance makes an impression but it is always the personality that makes an impact.. :-)

  • @noney Naive to think in this day and age that beauty is skin deep. Regardless of love, lust for others will never cease to exist

  • I'm suprised........there are a lot of good people after all....

    I meet people everyday in clubs or cafe.......99% of the people just care for the looks...
    they dont care about the personality, attitude, self respect etc...

    The thing that hurt me the most is when a group of guys was judging a muslim women. According to them, shes a b**** & not beautiful...... just because shes a muslim & she wears proper cloths & also covers her head.

    I seriously dont know whats up with these guys & muslims.....
    I have personally met a lot of muslims girls....... & honestly speaking......they are a beauty.......well behaved, good personality, respects everyone........ i even had a crush on one of them.....

    Really happy to know good people still exists......
