• Most are here for nudes only but some are here because they feel sad, they dont have many friends or they got some setback..
    PM me if matters are these

  • @addy30 It often seems that there are more here because they want noods of some description, but that's not to say there are a great many of us that are not here for those reasons.
    As you say, some may not have many friends, some might just like talking/communicating with random peeps with aim to becoming friends. Others just like the random shize that this place throws up most days of the week.
    Tbh, it does wind me up the amount of randoms that just seem to post requiring noods, sext or similar. But this is the place it is, and they are the peeps they are. All you can do is to ignore those posts. lol

  • @shaun-durwin yes buddy i am new to this website for the purpose of talk because all my friends went for the interview they got shortlisted, so i think i could do some different so i came to this website and started chatting but you ll amaze that 90 percent got disconnected when they found i am male and rest are texting me to send nudes

  • @Shaun-Durwin after that bad experience from this website,I thought of shutting it down and never come back then a 14 year old girl connected to me and told me that her friends always corner her out and she feels alone most of the times,I told her these things happens all the time and the most important friend in your life is you only and then I told her that this site is not meant for you
    Then this idea came to my mind why not register and listen to those who are in pain (of any kind) or who just want to sahre things or make friends here


    @shaun-durwin yes buddy i am new to this website for the purpose of talk because all my friends went for the interview they got shortlisted, so i think i could do some different so i came to this website and started chatting but you ll amaze that 90 percent got disconnected when they found i am male and rest are texting me to send nudes

    Yes, when they ask if you are male and you say yes they scatter like roaches when you turn the light on. Equally amazing is the ones that ask for dick pics are also guys but pretending to be girls.

  • my biggest issue is these damn ANA coaches requests. no i will not help you commit slow suicide. they really should google how bad it is to die of starvation slowly. my god it is painful and not pretty!

  • Good advice. I hope to freeze to death a little more quickly but that's not sounding pleasant either. I hope the everclear helps.
