What is the key to happiness?
I think it is mastering the art of accepting the harsh truth 'It is what it is'. What's your take?
42 is the key to happiness
I think satisfaction is the biggest happiness
The key to happiness is two tissues and a bottle of lotion
@Explorethevast You could take it that way. Just make sure not to mix up happiness with pleasure. Happiness is self-sufficient, the end and perfect state. Happiness does not need amusement. Whereas, pleasure is fulfillment, a pleasant feeling you get when you do or completed an activity (ies). The proper pleasure makes the activity more desirable and pleasant. Every activity has its own proper pleasure. Every senses has its own pleasure too (sight, sound, smell, etc).
in my opinion, key to happiness is by involving oneself in virtuous activity and don't overthink things (overthink & critical thinking is different). Oh, and don't crave for happiness, let it find you and you will be fine.
@Erron-Robinson wat is tat?
@Explorethevast It is from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 42 is the answer to everything.
Accept your worst flaws and know your strongest aptitudes, so you can be better day by day.
No Expectations Is Key to Happiness.
@Tina wat do u think?
@Explorethevast Unconditional love is the secret of happiness
@Tina unfortunately Tina it will lead only to sadness and disappointments
Well...humor, life is dull without.
thankfulness! Life does not always go the way we want but appreciate whatever we have today, .....
Happiness is having more good days than bad. Having the mental tools to shield yourself from negative shit and react to and remove yourself from bad situations. It's being gentle with yourself, loving and understanding yourself.