• @zoobie Eid is early in some east south asian country.

  • @yoursbucky
    Celebrating Eid Mubarak.
    عيد مبارك . تقبل ا للّه منا ومنكم، وأحاله اللّه عليك. كل عام و أنتم بخير
    (Happy Eid Mubarak. May God (Allah) accept from us and you [our fasts and deeds]. Also, May you be well with every passing year!)

    من العائدين والفائزين
    (May you be part of the people who return with victory from the struggle of ramadan)

    Happy Eid Mubarak Dude.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Eid

  • eid moubarak for you too <3

  • @yoursbucky said in 🌜Eid Mubarak🌜:

    Eid Mubarak to all of you who celebrate it. Enjoy this festival with your family happily.

    alt text

    Ok I’m an uncultured little shit.. what is Eid Mubarak..?

  • @wtfjudith no. It does not mean you are like that. It is fine you dont know it since you re not a moeslim.
    Allow me to explain.
    In Islam we have a fasting month and we called it as Ramadhan. Fasting means you are not allowed to eat and drink during the time (basically the regulators are government). It is one of our faith to our religion.
    After we struggled for 28-29 days to do fasting, we have two days name Eid Mubarak.
    Eid Mubarak is a traditional Muslim greeting reserved for use on the festivals of Eid Fitri (this one which currently we celebrat) and Eid al-adha (we will have it on August). Eid means "celebration" and refers to the occasion itself, and Mubarak means "blessed"; for example, performing the Eid prayer. So Eid, meaning “celebration,” and Mubarak, meaning “Blessed” literally translates to wishing your friends a blessed holiday.

  • @g-a said in 🌜Eid Mubarak🌜:

    @wtfjudith no. It does not mean you are like that. It is fine you dont know it since you re not a moeslim.
    Allow me to explain.
    In Islam we have a fasting month and we called it as Ramadhan. Fasting means you are not allowed to eat and drink during the time (basically the regulators are government). It is one of our faith to our religion.
    After we struggled for 28-29 days to do fasting, we have two days name Eid Mubarak.
    Eid Mubarak is a traditional Muslim greeting reserved for use on the festivals of Eid Fitri (this one which currently we celebrat) and Eid al-adha (we will have it on August). Eid means "celebration" and refers to the occasion itself, and Mubarak means "blessed"; for example, performing the Eid prayer. So Eid, meaning “celebration,” and Mubarak, meaning “Blessed” literally translates to wishing your friends a blessed holiday.

    oooh G. A wait you're a moeslim then? huh

    so it's basically a big party to eat after a month of starving? XD

  • oooh G. A wait you're a moeslim then? huh

    I believe i write all things on my profile 😹
    Yes, i am moeslim, my religion is islam, i am from indonesia and i love Judith
    Is there any question for me again, honey? Lol 😏

    so it's basically a big party to eat after a month of starving? XD

    Ehm a big party, we can say it in Indonesia it is a big family party so all of people are gathering together in Eid Mubarak day and yes there is a lot of food. 😏

  • @yoursbucky HAPPY EID MUBARAK!!!- I hope ur day is better than mine. My house had a flood

  • @bitchybabe i hope you go through this easily and i hope you can enjoy too