• Global Veteran Banned

    @sumof1 My pleasure good sir

  • @sumof1 said in Determining whether TWS really is cancer, through you.:

    Surely you've seen people call this site cancer, have you ever considered it to be cancer? What makes a site cancer anyways?
    The users.
    Here are a few questions I've prepared to let us all know what kind of a place TWS is.

    1. Number of letters in your name:
    2. Do you live with your biological parents:
    3. Population of your country (if you live in the U.S then use the population of that,
      but if you live anywhere else like the EU use your countrys population):
    4. Number of siblings:
    5. Do you use biometrics:
    6. Number of real life best friends:
    7. Number of online friends:
    8. Are you in a relationship:
    9. Sexual preference:
    10. Last time you had sex (e.g. 3 years ago):

    So, the grading system:

    1. 1-5 = +50,
    2. Yes = +100,
    3. 10-100m = +250, (it is actually around 260 m based on 2017 statistics data)
    4. 1-2 = +250
    5. Yes = +250
    6. 6-10+ = + 250
    7. 11-20 = +500 (more than that actually)
    8. Yes = +400 (with Judith :))
    9. The opposite sex only = +500,
      Virgin = +1

    Total = 2.551/3.350 x 100 = 76.14%

    76-80% = It's alright

    ME IS ALRIGHT :) Thanks :D

  • @g-a After adding your score to the group
    We are at 67(.78)%
    A 1% improvement, not affecting the current status
    Thanks for your time.
