• It's already about 7 months that I registered as some anonymous member of TWS. I don't even remember how I even end up in finding this site. Probably it was one of those sleepless boring nights, as I was searching to try something new and for the first time I found something called anonymous chats, which lead me to TalkWithStranger. It was really fun to discover people all around the world discussing and sharing topic of interests and seeking suggestions for various small and big problems. Although I am not a very active user of TWS, I did manage to make some really cute, funny, interesting and crazy friends. Thanks to all, for making my journey so far awesome and entertaining. @RAGNAR @willoww @Black_beetle @Sammy @laura-anderson @Violetttttt @cutie-cat @football_m29 @Lucifer_ @sup @taitertot2 @Erin
    Thank you everyone. 😘
    @Erin! was my first TWS friend. It's really sad that she is untraceable now. It's like she just vanished. I really miss you @Erin!!!

    In the past 7 months there has been a lot of changes in the site, all for the good and safety of the users. Various amendments to safeguard one's personal space have been included and for which I appreciate all the moderators for their valuable feedback and @talkwithstranger for regularly updating the site making it an awesome site that it is today.

    Well, as future prospects, I would like the admin to look into user verification system to get authenticated user to access the site and keep the fakes out. And I personally don't think that we should put restrictions on the content of the posts as it's an open forum giving freedom of thoughts (and needs as well 😜)

    Good luck guys, keep smiling and happy stranger friending!!!!!πŸ˜›

  • @nik-sub-blz awesome post man

  • @nik-sub-blz Well written and the last line was the best man !!!

  • @sup @football_m29 thanks guys ✌🏻

  • Thanks man! I forgot many peoples to tag on my post lmao! But yo this is lit