• Freedom Writers

    I wanted to make a difference with my discoveries,
    and so I'd start to experiment with the recovery,
    of lost memories,
    and forgotten places,
    so I begin with the infiltration,
    of these tiny mammalian families,
    to test there cognitive abilities,
    and the paths they may take,
    noting all there mistakes,
    before I continue to the next phase,
    of my road to being in everyone's praise.
    I was introduced to my new assistant,
    for her I was a bit resistant,
    as I knew I'd be fine alone,
    and so I treated them a little cold,
    as we continued forth with phase two,
    which involved some new drugs to get into,
    our small friendly rodents,
    that took that cocktail of components,
    and we monitored there reactions,
    which even a fraction,
    of activity,
    to increase there cognitive abilities,
    would be of note to write down,
    and of course I may have been a bit harsh,
    on my friendly assistant when they made the tiniest of mistakes,
    because I was so afraid they'd break,
    all the progress I've set forth,
    "Is that all the information that you require Dr. Martin?" is what Rose questioned,
    "Why don't you already know what I need, you worthless waste of space!" I exclaimed with an unnecessary transgression.
    I could see the hurt I was causing,
    but the work prevented me from pausing,
    and thinking about what I'd say next,
    so I just pushed on forward and didn't think about putting her feelings in check,
    continuing to push for new information,
    while we wrote down any mutations,
    that might be formed with the experimental procedure that we'd start for phase three,
    as mixing drugs and the knife was how I knew progress could increase the degree,
    of success we could make,
    so I pinned down my animal companions,
    in different positions that could help my understanding,
    of how the mind could access,
    different parts of the hippocampus,
    that's where you can recall the actions you've done,
    and with a small incision,
    everything was going exactly how I envisioned,
    as I began the insertion of a small device,
    I told Rose, "Hurry, hand me the recollection vice."
    as we didn't have much time to get this done right,
    so I pushed her hard to work this fast,
    and look past,
    her as a person,
    as she was just there to ensure this was working,
    and as I wrapped up the tiny procedure,
    that would inject the drugs directly into the creature,
    we would let it rest for a bit,
    because being fully healed is what we'd expect,
    for this to work the way it's intended,
    mistakes aren't something I'm accepting as it would extend,
    this entire task,
    so once this mammal was back to healed I went and asked,
    "Rose, turn on our little contraption,
    and note the actions,
    of our little companion.
    If you miss anything it will be noted,
    so make sure your getting everything that would be worth it."
    I could see our tiny creation,
    working out new computations,
    and working towards new things that we couldn't imagine,
    as everything it was doing was beyond our contraptions,
    initial limits that we thought it had.
    We were so excited at what was happening,
    that we never noticed the little changes that we could have been stopping,
    as it had small growths that were starting,
    and behind our back itself was testing,
    the limits of it's surrounding,
    so to us it was like without warning,
    our creation became to amass in it's own form of expanding,
    tricking us with it's advanced ability at handling,
    the restrictions that it was under,
    so it wasn't till later that we'd uncover,
    it was working on growing itself,
    at a rate that's exponential,
    and soon we'd learn it was also territorial,
    as in we were in it's world,
    and the other animals were just parts for it to bring into one being,
    to the point it was ready to confront me,
    a crawling monstrosity,
    that would lunge and bite,
    so I had to fight,
    as it came at me with a swipe,
    I dodged and leapt with my might,
    to the broom that was in sight.
    I lifted the stick,
    and held it at bay,
    for just long enough for my assistant to hear my dismay,
    as it chewed right though,
    the handle I was holding,
    it pushed me back and I was thinking I was finished,
    but before this monstrosity could get it's wish,
    Rose came bursting forth with an acidic concoction,
    that she had made that was also toxic,
    to this hideous mass,
    and it ran off after feeling the pain,
    so I was able to strain,
    as I picked myself up realizing for the first time,
    that it was Rose who'd be there for me no matter how she was treated,
    and as I said, "Thank you Rose, you've been so helpful this entire time."
    she said, "You're welcome doctor, I know you've been stressed and I'm just here to help."
    so it was after she said that I realized I had developed,
    a mechanism to distance from her so I could focus on just me,
    my work, my dreams, and not caring if she needed,
    someone being more comforting,
    but she never left me and just let me be,
    what I needed at the time,
    but I rejected her and tried to do too much on my own,
    making the situation worse until it had grown,
    to something I felt I needed to atone,
    to those I hurt around me,
    because they were there but I just turned my back to them,
    but one came to my rescue when I needed her the most,
    and so even though our attempt at turning the creature into a ghost,
    failed this time I know that when it comes back,
    I'll have Rose to help me now that I know,
    that I don't have to face it alone.

  • Good Lord !!!!!

  • Freedom Writers

    @us-poet Tell me! What spell did you use in this one to make me get attached to this poem huh!
    trust me, the best one I've read so far

  • Freedom Writers

    @sup I'm trying something new, and I'm glad people are enjoying it.

  • @dangerouswoman That's just unicorn magic.

  • @us-poet Yea we are enjoying it alot :)))
